DNC Chair: ‘All’ the GOP Candidates Are ‘MAGA Extremists,’ Nikki Haley Thinks She Knows ‘Better than Women’

During an interview with CBS News that took place shortly before Wednesday’s Republican debate, “are all MAGA extremists, it doesn’t matter if it’s Donald Trump or any of the other ones that are going to be on the stage tonight.” And example is that “You’ve got folks in this party who want to take away women’s rights to control their own bodies because Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley believe that they know better than women know better about what should happen to their own bodies.”

Harrison said, “These folks are extreme, on every measure, on every issue. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been fighting for more rights and freedoms for the American people, not less. But you look at today’s Republican Party, you’ve got folks in this party who have been celebrating Putin. You’ve got folks in this party who want to take away women’s rights to control their own bodies because Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley believe that they know better than women know better about what should happen to their own bodies. You’re looking at folks who believe in banning books instead of banning the assault weapons that are mowing down our kids. And so, when you think about today’s Republican Party, they are all MAGA extremists, it doesn’t matter if it’s Donald Trump or any of the other ones that are going to be on the stage tonight.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 23rd 2023