DNC Chair on Poor Biden Economy Polls: We Have to Ensure People ‘Connect the Good Things’ in Economy with Biden

On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison answered a question on President Joe Biden’s poor numbers on the economy by stating that it’s important that Democrats ensure that “people connect the good things that are going on with the President, because they’re happening because of his policies.”

Co-host Victor Blackwell asked, “A CNN poll from earlier this month shows that despite some of the positive narratives that are in these ads and actual changes in the economy, 63% of Americans disapprove of the way that the President’s handling the economy. His campaign thusfar has focused on the economy. It does not appear to work. Why?”

Harrison answered, “Well, you’ve just got to keep going out there, making sure that people connect the good things that are going on with the President, because they’re happening because of his policies. Consumer confidence is up. Job satisfaction is up. Unemployment at a record low right now. We just heard the head of the steel association who talked about manufacturing renaissance like he’s never seen before in this country. And that is all of the policies of Joe Biden. That’s all because of Bidenomics. And so, we just have to make sure that we’re constantly going out there so the American people can see the good things that are happening in their communities, the infrastructure, the roads, the bridges, the lead pipes that are being pulled up, and connect that with the person who actually got it done, which was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and our Democrats in the House and the Senate.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 23rd 2023