Do The Actor And Writer Strikes Actually Help Woke Hollywood Cover Up Its Failures?

Hollywood is in deep trouble, but not for the reasons we are hearing from entertainment journalists. 

With WGA and SAG strikes now underway production in Tinsel Town has all but disappeared.  Talk among insiders is that the strikes could very well destroy the industry for years to come.  But what if this scenario is exactly what flailing media companies needed?    

The implosion of the mainstream movie business gestated long before the strikes; it started with the injection of woke politics and propaganda into the western pop culture space.  Since 2016 (a year marking the “coming out party” for extreme intersectional feminism, critical race theory and trans ideology in movies) movie ticket sales have plummeted by around 40%. 

Box office revenues have collapsed to levels not seen since 2001, and keep in mind that the stats get much worse once they are adjusted for inflation.  

do the actor and writer strikes actually help woke hollywood cover up its failures

Initially, film studios tried to use the covid lockdowns and fear of the virus as the reason for their declining numbers.  However, hit films like Spider-Man: No Way Home and Top Gun: Maverick proved that the covid rationale was nonsense.  People were more than willing to go to the theaters by the millions, but only for non-woke movies.  Nobody cared about covid.

It's now 2023 and the pandemic excuse is dead.  Hollywood is left with no scapegoat to blame their problems on and it's becoming increasingly apparent that if you “Get Woke” you will in fact “Go Broke.” 

Almost every major film production containing far-left propaganda or common woke tropes such as race swapped characters, gender swapped characters, feminism, trans ideology, CRT, climate change cultism, "girl boss" propaganda and deconstructed male heroes is now tanking at the theaters to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in losses per film.

The problem is that production companies continue to double down and refuse to admit the real reason they are collapsing.  Disney, for example, is now openly discussing a fire sale on pieces of the company in order to shore up their finances.  This is after they fired 7000 employees.  Yet, the political nature of their downfall is rarely if ever broached. 

This behavior suggests that the woke cult is more important to Hollywood than making a profit or even saving their businesses.  The bottom line?  Americans and most of the world are tired of far-left concepts being forced into entertainment, but Hollywood would rather go down with the ship than build a life raft by acknowledging that woke is sinking them.  It's truly insane; a perfect expression of mental illness.      

And make no mistake, these companies are going down.  They might be hoping for a bailout in the future, but it's not coming.  Not in time to save the industry as it exists today.  The ESG establishment has far more important things to worry about than keeping companies like Disney afloat.

But, if the goal is to avoid admitting at all costs that woke ideology is a massive failure among the majority of the population, then studios now have an excellent scapegoat in the form of the WGA and SAG strikes.  In a year's time they can claim that it was the strikes that killed the movie business, not political zealotry.  And let's not forget that a large number of writers and actors have been participants in the leftist destruction of media, so they don't really deserve any sympathy either.  

This all rests, of course, on the strikes lasting longer than a couple months.  If they don't, then the Hollywood establishment will be right back where they started.  They'll be force to fire their woke staff and start making good films again, or, they'll burn as the public dances on the ashes.   

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge July 20th 2023