Donald Trump Blasts Kamala Harris’s ‘Dangerously Extreme Immigration Policies’: Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She Is President

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump gestures during a presiden
Gerald Herbert/AP

Vice President Kamala Harris’s “dangerously extreme immigration policies” have led to the “largest invasion in history,” former President Donald Trump said during a press call on Tuesday, warning that the situation will get “exponentially worse” if she becomes president and highlighting her atrocious record, particularly in her capacity as “border czar.”

Trump, who was joined on the call by Brandon Judd, Immediate Past President of the National Border Patrol Council, and Paul Perez, President of the National Border Patrol Council, began by pointing out that Harris was appointed “border czar” in 2021.

“And since that time, millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country, and countless Americans have been killed by migrant crime because of her willful demolition of American borders and laws,” Trump said, explaining that Harris has worked with Biden, both supporting radically left immigration policies, including embracing catch and release, halting deportations, and ending Remain in Mexico.

Trump highlighted the progress his administration made in building hundreds of miles of wall — progress that was thwarted by the Biden-Harris White House.

“That’s when I first figured that they actually want open borders. Nobody could believe it,” Trump said, also blasting the dozens of executive actions that were taken, opening up America’s borders to the world, once he left office.

“And they took these executive actions — nobody could believe it. As a result of our dangerously extreme immigration policies, the largest invasion in history is now taking place at our southern border, and it’s getting worse, not better,” Trump said, noting that Democrats tried to give the issue what he described as a “band-aid” a few weeks ago.

“But the band-aid has not been working at all. It’s made it worse,” he said, citing reporting last month revealing that over 50 radical Islamic terrorists were loose in the United States interior after making it through the open border.

“Kamala and Joe Biden have no idea where they are, who they are, or anything about them. I don’t think they even care. In her entire time as vice president and border czar, Kamala has reportedly never spoken to the chief of the Border Patrol,” he said, blasting Harris for visiting the border only once, and “far away from the epicenter of the invasion.”

“You don’t even call it a visit. She went to a place that has no problem, and was there for a very short period of time. So essentially, she never visited the border as we know it,” he said, blasting her record as a senator in California as well, as he said she led the “crusade” to dismantle U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“She compared our patriotic ICE agents to members of the KKK. She suggested they were members of the KKK. She supports the total decriminalization of illegal border crossings and making illegal immigration the equivalent of a parking ticket. She raised her hand in favor of giving free taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens, but not to our soldiers and our people that have served our country so brilliantly, so valiantly, who are living on the streets,” he continued, blasting Harris for also supporting “mass amnesty and citizenship for all illegal aliens.”

Trump noted that Harris’s position would “obliterate” Medicare and Social Security for American seniors, and reminded Americans that Harris also supports “deadly sanctuary cities, which shield legal alien criminals, murderers and gang members from deportation and arrest.”

Further, Trump blasted Harris’s prosecutorial record, recognizing her as a “weak on crime prosecutor in the sanctuary jurisdiction of San Francisco,” citing people who say the area is no longer livable, which he said was largely started when she was District Attorney.

“If she becomes president, Kamala Harris will make the invasion exponentially worse, and just like she did with San Francisco, just like she did with the border, our whole country will be permanently destroyed,” Trump continued, pledging to “terminate every open borders policy of the Biden-Harris administration” and promising to seal the border as a “day one” action.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart July 23rd 2024