EPA Awards $50 Million To Group That Says Palestine Is A "Climate Justice Issue"

The Inflation Reduction Act strikes again. The beneficiary is a group of radical nut cases. The loser is you, the taxpayer.

epa awards 50 million to group that says palestine is a climate justice issue

The Wall Street Journal comments on The Radicals Getting Your Tax Money

The Biden Administration is showering far and wide more than $1 trillion in climate largesse from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Still, who could have thought that taxpayer funds would flow to a left-wing group that thinks “climate justice” involves everything from freeing Palestine to dismantling capitalism?

That’s the discovery made by West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito’s office. Democrats appropriated $3 billion in the IRA to the Environmental Protection Agency for “environmental justice” grants, including $600 million for a “national grantmaker” program. In December the EPA awarded $50 million to Climate Justice Alliance, a network of nearly 90 affiliates, which plans to use the money to “resource community-based organizations (CBOs) to address past, current, and future environmental health and justice challenges.”

What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.” Other slogans included “Our Government Funds Palestinian Genocide” and “Only Socialist Revolution Can Stop World War III.”

Climate Justice Alliance’s website also offers a collection of anti-Israel art “that you are invited to use for Palestine solidarity protest actions.” One shows a bulldozer tearing down an Israeli fence. Another has a man waving a Palestinian flag standing atop a tank, with the quotation: “Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.” That line is attributed to Assata Shakur, who fled the U.S. to Cuba after being convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper in 1973. A third poster says: “Abolish Prisons Everywhere.”

Climate Justice Alliance’s website says that “more than $3 trillion will move through federal agencies” from the IRA and Congress’s 2021 infrastructure law, and “now is the time for grassroots organizations to influence the direction of, and step into governance of, these monies.” It’s no surprise that radicals are trying to get the money, but it’s disturbing that the Administration would give it to them.

Hoot of the Day: No One Wants Green Energy if It’s Too Cheap

epa awards 50 million to group that says palestine is a climate justice issue

On May 21, my Hoot of the Day was No One Wants Green Energy if It’s Too Cheap

Wind turbine manufacturers in the EU have protested that Chinese rivals are undercutting them by 50% in a move that is appealing to cash-strapped state and regional authorities facing targets in reductions of greenhouse gases.

In the effort to produce more clean energy from wind, the economic and energy illiterates would rather pay 100 percent more for wind turbines.


Despite the fact that China sells no cars in the US,  Biden Wants EVs so Badly That He Will Quadruple Tariffs on Them

Astute readers will immediately notice the title of this post makes no sense. It’s not supposed to. But it is exactly what President Biden is doing.

Cheaper Houses? Who Needs Em?

Question of the Day

Do you want four more years of inflationary and regulatory nonsense like this, at an accelerated pace?

If you do, then go ahead and vote for Biden. First, you may wish to seek medical attention because something is wrong with the functioning of your brain.

To be fair, Trump wants big tariffs too, but at least his energy policy will make sense. And he will not be giving away billions of dollars for “climate justice” when people are struggling to pay bills.

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com May 24th 2024