Eric Adams: Illegal Immigration ‘Not Sustainable,’ NYC ‘Running out of Room’

eric adams illegal immigration not sustainable nyc running out of room
Spencer Platt/Leigh Vogel/Getty Images for Concordia Summit

Mayor Eric Adams (D) is again warning that illegal immigration is “not sustainable” and that New York City is “running out of room.” None of the mayor’s warnings, though, have made a dent in stopping illegal aliens from traveling to the sanctuary city.

During a Tuesday press conference, Adams revealed that since the spring of 2022, nearly 127,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have arrived in New York City — a foreign population that exceeds that of West Palm Beach, Florida.

Of those border crossers and illegal aliens, more than 64,000 remain living off local taxpayers in the city’s shelter system, which includes migrant hotels, migrant camps in parks, and old buildings where Adams has placed them.

Migrants Waiting for Entry to Roosevelt Hotel


“…[I]t is not sustainable,” Adams said. “…I want to be honest with New Yorkers. You’re going to see the visual of running out of room. It’s not if, it’s when. People are going to be sleeping on our streets.”

Despite Adams’ repeated warnings, border crossers and illegal aliens have not stopped traveling to New York City. In fact, in recent months, weekly illegal immigration levels have almost doubled from 2,400 arrivals to 4,000 arrivals.

“…[T]hese cities are overwhelmed,” Adam said of sanctuary cities like New York City:

I think you’re now hearing voices across the entire country — Massachusetts and others, Chicago — we need help from the federal government. This is overwhelming our cities. And no city should be going through this. It’s unfair to taxpayers, and it’s unfair to the migrant and asylum seekers to be living in these conditions. [Emphasis added]

Since June, border crossers and illegal aliens have outnumbered native New Yorkers in the city’s taxpayer-funded shelter system, making up more than 54 percent of shelter residents. Without illegal immigration, the city’s shelter population would be cut in half.

Most recently, Adams traveled to Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador to warn would-be illegal aliens not to travel to New York City. While on the trip, though, Adams claimed that the world’s migrants have a “right to work” in the United States.

RELATED: Mayor Eric Adams Heads to Mexico — NYC Migrant Crisis at “Breaking Point”

For New York City, illegal immigration is set to cost $12 billion by mid-2025. To pay for the new arrivals, New Yorkers face five percent budget cuts across the board.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart October 19th 2023