Ex-NYTer Bowles: There’s Effort to ‘Memory-Hole’ Past Lefty Excesses, Current Excesses Will Be Memory-Holed As Well

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” former New York Times reporter and current reporter and Head of Strategy at the Free Press Nellie Bowles said that there is “a very concerted effort now to memory-hole” many of the worst left-wing excesses in 2020 and that when it comes to current excesses, “people are going to try to deny it or try to deny if they find out one part of it’s embarrassing.”

After host Bill Maher brought up the seeming rollback of some of the excesses of 2020, New York Times columnist Pamela Paul said, “I think that it’s safe now for liberals to criticize what I think was always an illiberal movement on the far left, and without being necessarily called racist or Republicans. I also think that progressives are maybe a little bit embarrassed about some of the excesses.”

Bowles responded, “Well, there’s definitely a very concerted effort now to memory-hole a lot of the most extreme –.”

Paul then cut in to say, “Nobody ever said defund the police.”

Bowles stated, “Nobody ever said that. Nobody ever said toddlers can send gender messages, nobody ever said that, nobody ever wanted to get rid of elite public schools, nobody ever said that. Now, they’re sort of — some of the more embarrassing edges.”

Later, Bowles stated, “And part of why I wrote the book was to say, you’re not crazy, this happened. Like, let’s preserve this. I write the column to say, you’re not crazy, this happened this week, and people are going to try to deny it or try to deny if they find out one part of it’s embarrassing. But it happened, and it’s happening.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 17th 2024