Exclusive — American Majority CEO Ned Ryun Lays Out ‘the Birth of the Administrative State’: ‘We’ve Been Living Under the Illusion that We’re Still a Constitutional Republic’

Ned Ryun speaking at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National
Gage Skidmore via Flickr

The American people must understand how “deeply unconstitutional” and “even unAmerican the administrative state is,” Ned Ryun, founder and CEO of American Majority and author of the upcoming book American Leviathan said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

“The book is about the birth of the administrative state and the progressive movement about 100 years ago,” he said, explaining that he wants people to understand “how deeply unconstitutional” and “even unAmerican the administrative state is” while also discussing the progressive movement, which he said is, at its “very heart,” about “destroying the moral and political authority of our U.S. Constitution, destroying the separation of powers, the machinery of the Republic, and as they hollowed out the Republic and destroyed it, replacing it with an administrative state.”

This administrative state is largely comprised of unelected bureaucrats shielded from political accountability.

“And that’s a key part to understand about this administrative state. It’s detached — truly detached, in their minds, from any political accountability to the duly elected representatives of the American people, or the people themselves,” he said.

“In their minds, their vision was always, from day one that these unelected bureaucrats, this massive managerial class, would do the actual governing of this country,” he said, explaining that he makes the point in the book that the administrative state has nothing at all to do with a constitutional republic, “in which all power flows from the people, in which they hand off to their duly elected representatives the power and money given to them to then create a government of, by, and for the people that actually promotes, defends, and protects the interests of the American people.”

“And people need to understand that. I would argue for decades we’ve been living under the illusion that we’re still a constitutional Republic, when in reality, Washington, DC, is an administrative state,” he said.


Breitbart · Ned Ryun – September 14, 2024

Ryun pointed to former President Donald Trump as the “great outsider” who has “brought to the surface this conflict between two very different governing philosophies when he showed up in D.C. in January of 2017 and really essentially declared, ‘I’m the duly-elected President United States. I’m the one who decides both foreign and domestic policy,’ and the administrative state and the allies and the Democratic Party, [and] quite frankly, establishment Republicans and the corporate propaganda said, ‘We don’t think so,'” which led to much of the discontent in the swamp.

“That’s the conflict, if you boil everything down — the Russian collusion fairy tale hoax, Ukrainian quid pro quo, this constant political war between Donald J. Trump and D.C. It comes down to who decides? And even more so, it’s a battle between a Constitutional Republic versus administrative state,” he added.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart September 16th 2024