Exclusive — Chad Wolf: Joe Biden’s Immigration Policy Is Like the EU’s

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf testifies at his Senate Homeland Security
GREG NASH/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s immigration policies are similar to the European Union’s (EU) policies, which have led to immigration crises across Western Europe, according to Former Department of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Chad Wolf.

“When you look at the [immigration] issue here in the EU, for some time, it’s been a very liberal policy, allowing more and more individuals into EU member states, and, of course, you see that now, under President Biden, with the Biden administration’s policy in the United States,” he said in recent remarks that Breitbart News exclusively obtained at CPAC Hungary.

“But, you know, just recently, I believe, the EU passed a migration pact of some sort. I see a lot of similarities between what they advocate in there and what President Biden’s administration is advocating for — this idea that you’re going to simply process more and more migrants instead of actually deterring them,” he said.

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Randy Clark / Breitbart

“It should be [that] we deter them and allow the ones that really need help to come in through asylum,” he said. “An asylum claim is not a guarantee. Although, it’s treated like that, I would say, here in Europe — in both. In the United States right now, it’s a discretionary form of relief; it’s there if you need it, but it’s not a right or a guarantee.”

The EU recently passed an agreement on immigration that would require EU member states to take in thousands of migrants from “frontline” countries, such as Italy, Greece, and Spain, or provide funding or other resources, according to the BBC.

It would also speed up the processing of asylum claims to a maximum of 12 weeks but would reportedly return asylum seekers home within that time frame if rejected.

Poland and Hungary staunchly opposed the agreement, arguing it would cause a spike in migration and that laws meant to restrict migration did not go far enough. There are reportedly measures in the agreement that could allow those countries to contribute equipment or lawyers or pay fines instead. Wolf said, similarly, Texas is being punished for trying to protect its borders.

“They’re getting sued by the federal government, the Biden administration,” he said. “Here, in the EU, through that migration pact, you know, someone like Hungary can be fined 20,000 euros for every migrant that they don’t want to settle or take in. And so, you’re punishing them for decisions that they’re making that’s best for their people, best for their territory in their country, writ large. So there’s a lot of similarities here.”

Recently, in Hamburg, Germany, thousands of protesters marched, calling for an Islamic state in Germany and holding signs that declared, “Caliphate is the solution.” The march was organized by a group called the Muslim Interaktiv, which Hamburg’s domestic intelligence is investigating for “extremism,” according to the New York Post.

Wolf said a lot of the bad immigration policies in the U.S. actually originated in Europe.

“As an America First, you know, conservative in the United States, we need to do what’s best for our country. We don’t need to take bad practices from elsewhere — particularly here, in the EU — and make sure that we’re looking after Americans first, just as they’re doing here in Hungary — they’re looking after Hungarians first — and making sure you’re protecting American communities, the security of America, and the security of our country,” he said.

Other Trump administration alumni are also speaking out against EU policies spreading to the U.S.

Former Senior White House Adviser at the State Department Matt Mowers and former Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council Joseph Grogan serve as board members of the EU-US Forum, which launched a five-figure media campaign in Budapest, Hungary.

The campaign is aimed at opposing liberal EU policies on everything from limiting free speech to immigration.

The campaign will fund billboards across Hungary, including one that reads, “Stand up for your safety. Tell the EU to stop illegal immigration.”

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Authored by Kristina Wong via Breitbart May 1st 2024