Renowned journalist Mark Judge became a household name in the fall of 2018 when Christine Blasey Ford publicly claimed that Judge witnessed Brett Kavanaugh assaulting her at a high school party in the early 1980s — a claim both men vehemently denied. The moment marked a significant change in Mark’s life as he found himself in the crosshairs of what he refers to as the “American Stasi” in his explosive new book The Devil’s Triangle.
For the first week of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, everything appeared to be business as usual. Despite some brief, asinine theatrics from certain Democrat senators (Spartacus, anyone?), it seemed as if Brett Kavanaugh would coast to his rightful place as President Donald Trump’s second nominee to the Supreme Court. That all took a dark, sinister turn on Sunday, September 16, 2018, when the Washington Post published an allegation from psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford claiming that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party in the 1980s to which his longtime friend, Mark Judge, served witness. As the Post detailed at the time:
While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.
“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”
Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.
Christine Blasey Ford testifies before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill September 27, 2018, in Washington, DC. (Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images)
Ford could not recall where the party took place nor could she remember how she returned home that night. Even more significant, Ford’s childhood friend Leland Ingraham Keyser said she had no recollection of being at the party Ford described and even had no memory of ever meeting Brett Kavanaugh. Mark Judge also said he had no recollection of such a party, telling the FBI under oath that he never saw his friend Brett Kavanaugh assault anyone during their time together in high school.
Despite intense protests and calls from leftists to ruin him, Brett Kavanaugh won the day and made it to the Supreme Court. In his book, The Devil’s Triangle (now available on Amazon), Mark Judge recalls what happened behind the scenes away from the media circus as he found himself in a Kafka-esque type of scenario with Democrat operatives and their media allies engaged in witness tampering, extortion, and outright cruelty in their quest to destroy an innocent man.
“At its dark heart, this was a witness tampering and extortion operation,” Mark Judge tells Breitbart News. “I got a phone call from California on September 14, 2018, threatening to extort me. They were dumb enough to leave a message and I gave it to the FBI.”
“Leland Keyser said she was told nasty things could be said about her if she did not back up Ford,” he adds. “I don’t know if Ford was involved in that or if it was others, but that’s all this was. Forget about the yearbooks, the teen slang, the stuff about the 1980s. They did opposition research and then tried to extort me and tried to witness tamper. That’s what it was. For people looking to simplify the fall of 2018, it was, exactly as Brett said, a well-orchestrated political hit. It was a crime.”
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As to what motivated him to write the book, Judge says that he wanted Americans to understand that the Democrat Party engaged in Stasi-like tactics similar to that of Communist-controlled East Germany by working in tandem with the media and the celebrity class to potentially destroy people like him and Brett Kavanaugh.
“Kamala Harris spends more on opposition research than any other politician,” he tells us. “I’m not sure the Republicans know what we’re dealing with. It is an American Stasi. Recall that many Germans are quoted as saying that the Stasi were worse than the Nazis. As Andrew Breitbart said, this is war.”
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) talks to Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party 36 years ago, during her hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, September 27, 2018. (SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)
Judge also says he hopes that people come away from the book with the understanding that what happened to him, Brett Kavanaugh, and Leland Ingraham Keyser will indeed happen again.
“Here’s the thing — it will happen again. Until the left is completely routed, it will happen again,” he tells Breitbart News. “The Democrats are a criminal organization. Like the Stasi, they have a deep reach into entertainment and the arts.”
Friends told Mark to just stop writing about the time period, but he says that almost every week something occurs that affirms his disposition. For instance, during the fall of Roe v. Wade, authorities arrested a man who came to Brett Kavanaugh’s home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with the intention of assassinating him, and the Biden administration refused to quell the protests in front of the justices’ homes.
“I hear from conservatives telling me to move on and stop writing about this. Then two weeks later, SCOTUS gets oppo researched or Brett’s life gets threatened and nothing is done about it,” Judge says. “I write a warning, they tell me to move on, then my warning comes true. It was so glorious in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down. Men would never be angels, but communism was no more. Yet here we are. It just refuses to die.”
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Mark Judge says that Brett Kavanaugh has been a good friend since the horrific ordeal and recalled a warm encounter with him at their 40th high school reunion.
“I think he knows what happened in 2018 was criminal activity, and neither one of us wants to relive it,” he tells us.
Judge also credits Georgetown Prep and his former classmates for helping him and Brett see through their dark night of the soul.
“Our class is pretty amazing; I don’t think they knew who they were screwing with. We’re brothers and will die for each other,” he says.
The Devil’s Triangle offers as much of an insight into Judge’s 1980s teen life, during which he overcame alcoholism, as it does his experience during the Kavanaugh confirmation. Judge says he wanted to defend the decade, which he felt has been unfairly attacked.
Police officers look on as abortion-rights advocates hold a demonstration outside the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on May 18, 2022, in Chevy Chase, Maryland. (Bonnie Cash/Getty Images)
“Journalists in 2018 wrote a lot of crap about the decade and what we supposedly were like back then. They got everything wrong, and I wanted to correct that and celebrate the music, art, and culture,” he says. “The 1980s were so important because it was the first pushback against what the great social critic James Piereson calls ‘punitive liberalism’ — liberalism meant to punish. We came out of the 1960s and 1970s and the zeitgeist was all about blaming evil America for everything. It was the original wokeness.”
“Then the 1980s came along, and a lot of us who were young said, ‘you know what? We like America. It’s not perfect, but there’s no need to run it down all the time,'” he continues. “The 80s were also a time of real freedom of speech and people not taking themselves so seriously. Fun is hugely important to human flourishing and it was a lot of fun. So many journalists in 2018 seemed enraged that we had had fun. We drank 100 kegs in high school, and one reporter actually did the math — ‘That’s a ton of beer; they had a small class.’ Incredible. The main lesson is we want a culture like that — of art and humor and free speech and appreciating America.”
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The past five years have been a difficult road for Judge, and he still suffers PTSD from the incident. As he says in his GoFundMe campaign, “I don’t think even today people know how deep or dark the hit on me was.” Fortunately, his book has given people a small insight into his terrifying experience.
“People joke about PTSD, but the real thing is hell,” he tells us. “The first couple years after the Kavanaugh battle, which had demonic elements to it, were quite difficult. I went back to skateboarding, which is a lifelong love and that helped, as did therapy.”
“People read The Devil’s Triangle and come up to me in tears. They ask if they can hug me — a female retired FBI person asked me that in a restaurant. You do feel all alone, and people you thought would be a friend for life turn on you,” he continues.
On the flip side, he still experiences cruelty from leftists.
“My brother passed away from cancer last year, and I had an old friend walk up to me and tell me I was playing the victim — then she started berating me about abortion,” he says. “What happened was an attempt on my life. I have a good friend, a former model. She came to visit me after everything and just looked at me: ‘they tried to kill you.’ That’s why I wrote the book. They shot and missed. I’m standing here shaken, but have enough 80s punk in my veins to rally and say, ‘Fuck you.'”
Purchase The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs the New American Stasi on Amazon