Exclusive—Pastor Allen Jackson: Christians Today Must ‘Wake Up’ and Speak the Truth; Telling People What They Want to Hear Is Not ‘Love’

Allen Jackson (photo courtesy of Allen Jackson Ministries)
Courtesy of Allen Jackson Ministries

Christians must “wake up” to what is happening in politics, society, and culture and tell people the truth about what is happening in the world, Pastor Allen Jackson of World Outreach Church in Rutherford County, Tennessee, said during a recent appearance on Breitbart News Daily about his new show Allen Jackson NOW: Christian Wisdom for a Struggling Nation which offers a perspective on the day’s events from a Biblical worldview.

Jackson spoke about his show, which debuted on TBN on Monday and airs weekdays at 7 p.m. Eastern, explaining that he felt like “we just needed a bit of perspective on what’s happening in the world.”

“We lost trust in so many sources — from the CDC to Homeland Security to justice at the moment. So, rather than be angry or upset or anxious about it, I thought just some perspective and a little bit of God, a Biblical worldview, we’d bring some peace to folks, so that’s why we’re doing it,” he said, explaining that for so long, Christians have lived under the notion that they do not talk about politics or our faith in “polite company.”


Breitbart · Pastor Allen Jackson – June 3, 2024

“And the Christians have climbed into the bleachers, and we’ve got to wake up. It was Christian Europe that presided over the Holocaust. I mean, it wasn’t some pagan culture. It wasn’t some culture that didn’t have the Christian faith. All those beautiful cathedrals and churches in Europe presided over the death camps,” Jackson said, issuing a warning.

“It wasn’t just the Germans or the Nazis, the Christian Europe participated in that. And if we don’t wake up, we’re going to preside over something that’s worse than that. Indifference is a sin,” he said, adding that he has been perplexed on why so many Christians sit on the sidelines.

“I can’t really explain why we choose not to other than it’s more difficult, that we’d rather somebody else be responsible, but I pray that we will wake up and take our place,” Jackson said, highlighting some of the evils that need to be addressed head-on present day.

“I think the targeting of our children with this predatory behavior is totally unacceptable, from our casual attitude towards life and abortion, to trying to sexualize our youngest children,” Jackson said, noting that his community is even having issues removing pornographic books from elementary school libraries.

“And I’ve heard Vanderbilt Medical Center boast about the profitability of transgender alterations on adolescents. I mean, those are just insane things. And then I watched the big picture, we have a Department of Homeland Security that won’t secure our border but surveilled parents at school board meetings. We ought to abolish the department if they’re not going to do their job,” the pastor said, adding that one does not need to look very far to “find something that’ll get you torqued up.”

“But on the other hand, I see amazing expressions of good, that I have such confidence in what is in people who cooperate with God,” he said, striking a positive note.

“That’s what’s made this nation great. And we can come back to that if we’re willing. To do some things that are a little more difficult than we’d been willing to do for the past few years,” he said, noting that “evil is often slick” and that the country is wrought with “deceptive, manipulative, authoritarian” leftists such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), who supports transing children and is obsessed with “climate change.”

“If it’s one percent of the children that they’re abusing, that one percent needs us to protect them. And now the conversation, my [academic background] started in the basic sciences, so I’m all for protecting the environment. But if you’re burning coal to make the electricity that you put in your EV, that’s not really a net gain. That’s less efficient than burning the petroleum to begin with. So, we need to start telling the truth about the environment,” he added

“I’ve got a guest every show,” he said, explaining the format of his new 30-minute show on TBN. “And we’ve I’ve tried to pick people from kind of different segments of what’s going on. I talked to former Director of Homeland Security. I talked to the guy that founded Free Burma Rangers, and he works on behalf of the persecuted Christians around the world. Amazing stories. I talked to some of the legal team that worked to get jobs through the Supreme Court. I really enjoyed meeting some of these people that are on the front line engaging some of these issues. I found out they’re not angry. No, they’re doing something, and it’s been far more helpful for me than I had thought it would.”


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“We try to leave it a little note of hope that gives you kind of a ‘what we can do’ idea for the next day,” he explained. “You watch the news, you get filled with despair. We wanted to give some people an opportunity that… had a bit of hope in it.”

Jackson also offered another word to those trapped in the notion that merely being “nice” — a belief of many leftists — is the highest form of virtue.

“Well, I think it’s unscriptural. I was with Voddie Baucham on Saturday, and he says the eleventh commandment is thou shalt be kind, and it’s not Biblical,” Jackson said. “If you only went to a doctor that told you good news and things you wanted to hear, we’d call that malpractice, and we would have his license taken away.”

“And in the context of our faith, we only hear good news and people tell us what we want to hear — that’s spiritual malpractice. The reality is truth is often unsettling and uncomfortable because it requires a change of behavior to get to a better place,” he said, explaining that it is the “best way to live [is] to have people around you that love you enough to tell you the truth.”

Jackson explained that the Christian community has largely been confused by this way of thinking, explaining that it is actually not compassionate  or loving at all to withhold the truth from people.

“And I think where the Christian community is confused is we think it’s a love to tell people everything’s good when it’s not, and we’re going to have to have the boldness and enough compassion for people to tell them the truth,” he said.

“It is not compassion to lie to people so they don’t have to make course corrections,” he said. “It’s far more compassionate to tell them the reality of the world we live in.”

Jackson offered a final word for Americans, explaining that deciding to live in a way that pleases God is the ultimate thing we can do.

“Let’s just go please God, and I think if we’ll think about that, it really — we don’t have to have the majority. It’s not about how many of us there are that’s the story of Scripture. Gideon took a handful of people and overcame an overwhelming adversary. David took on Goliath. So those of us that are awake and paying attention and care about God’s attitude, let’s go please God. If we will please Him, He’ll deal with the knuckleheads,” he said.

“Our assignment is to go please God, and we can all do that today. What would it look like in our home and where we go to work or with our neighbors? How can we please God today? Let’s lean into that, and then let’s watch what God will do. They discount our Boss, and I have ultimate confidence that He’s watching over us. Let’s just go focus on pleasing Him,” Jackson said.

Allen Jackson NOW: Christian Wisdom for a Struggling Nation show airs weekdays at 7 p.m. Eastern on TBN.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart June 5th 2024