Exclusive: RNC Chronicles ‘Evolution of Biden’s Border Lies’ in Video

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is releasing a video, first shared with Breitbart News, chronicling the “evolution” of President Joe Biden’s “lies” regarding the crisis at the southern border.

The four-minute video depicts footage of Biden and top-ranking officials of his administration from 2021, 2022, and 2023, with many claiming the border is under control.

In one clip from March 2021, Biden claimed his administration had “gotten control” after an influx of migrants in the previous months.

In part of a September 2022 interview with NBC News’s Meet the Press, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed, “We have a secure border,” as the video points out. She also said America’s immigration system is broken during that interview, as Breitbart News noted at the time.

The video also includes footage of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifying under oath in November 2022 that the border is secure and “we are working day in and day out to enhance its security.” Again, in April 2023, Mayorkas said, “It is my testimony that the border is secure.”

The end of the RNC’s video includes a clip from February 2024 showing Biden saying, “For much too long, as you all know, the immigration system has been broken, and it’s long past time to fix it.”

That comment came days after the release of the Senate’s pro-migration border bill that ultimately collapsed amid resounding opposition from Republicans. Many Republicans contended that Biden has the power to address the border through executive action.

RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel slammed Biden in a statement to Breitbart News, arguing he has changed his posture regarding the border for political purposes.

“Joe Biden ignored the southern border and denied that a crisis existed for years – but now, he’s pretending to change his tune when it’s politically convenient,” McDaniel said. “There’s no doubt: Biden’s open border policies have led to criminals entering our country, deadly fentanyl in our communities, and an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. No matter how he spins it, every state is a border state under Joe Biden.”

The video comes as both Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to make dueling trips to the border in Texas on Thursday, as AFP notes.

Authored by Nick Gilbertson via Breitbart February 26th 2024