Exclusive — Senate Candidate Royce White: Tim Walz a ‘Communist’ Who Has Not Helped Minnesotans

Former basketball player Royce White takes the stage at the Minnesota Republican Party con
Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune via Getty Images

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), Vice President Kamala Harris’s choice for a running mate, is a “communist” who has not helped the people of his state, populist conservative, ex-NBA player, and Senate candidate Royce White said during a Monday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

“You know, Tim Walz is a communist to boot, you know, talk about the radical-left policy, and then him saying things like, free speech isn’t guaranteed. I don’t think it gets any more radical than that, actually,” White began, noting that it goes far beyond the words that come out of Walz’s mouth.

“Some of the subtle things that Minnesotans know is, for example, we had an $18 billion surplus, and not a single dollar of it — not a single penny — went back to the working class here, for Minnesota citizens,” he said, highlighting more failures of Walz, including him letting down the black community.

“Furthermore, the Department of Education — they talk, Walz, Harris — ‘Oh, we help the minorities and all the black folks.’ Give me a break. The Department of Education here, Minnesota has been under Democrat control for 20-plus years. We have the worst racial disparity gap in the entire country,” White said, noting that the black community in Minneapolis public schools has the “second-worst proficiency rating in America.”

“And this is what will happen under Democrat policy for black people here in this state and the city, and all across the country. The more dollars they get per student, the worse the proficiency rating goes,” he noted.


Breitbart · Royce White – August 26, 2024

White pointed to more failures of Walz and the Democratic Party, explaining Minnesota is one of the “most overtaxed states in the in the union.”

“These people are communist,” he concluded, noting that the referendum this election cycle is not on him or former President Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump has told you people the truth. He has uncovered, unmasked the truth. American citizens have to decide if they want to have a country or not. You know, our Founding Fathers said it best: You get the government you deserve. So, all we’re doing is telling people the truth, giving them an option to say, ‘Hey, you make your choice. Live with your decision.'”

“But if you don’t participate, if you don’t get up and go and door to door, if you don’t bring your Bible and your Constitution door to door and we fall even deeper under the rule of communist and satanists, I don’t want to hear you complaining on November 6,” White concluded.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart August 26th 2024