
Exclusive — Tom Emmer: Trump Will Pull Republicans Through on Toss up House and Senate Races

Former President Donald Trump will pull Republicans through on many toss up House and Senate races, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) predicted during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

“Why do you think these will tilt Republican at the end of the day?” host Mike Slater asked Emmer after they went through a range of toss up races across the country.

Emmer put a big emphasis on Trump, predicting that his presence on the top of the ticket will pull many of these Republicans to the side of victory.

“I think it’s because of Donald Trump. I think what you’re seeing — and this is what people don’t give President Trump enough credit for. You remember when we lost The White House in 2020 we lost the Senate? I told you, we picked up 15 seats in the House. I’m going to argue, in large part that was because Donald Trump was on the ballot,” Emmer revealed.

“There is a group of people in this country. Mike, you know, they are hungry for change. They are hungry for you know, even if it’s aggressive honesty, they just want leaders that are honest with them, and Donald Trump just — he is the definition of it. They absolutely will vote for him. They’ll walk over broken glass to do it, and when they do, it benefits our guys,” he explained.


Breitbart · Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) – October 22, 2024

“So I think they’re all fall in our way because of Donald Trump at the end of the day,” he said.

One of those races, for example, involves Austin Theriault in Maine’s Second Congressional District.

“They say the Democrats have a half a point lead there,” Slater pointed out.

“Well, Trump is winning that district by, I think the last number I saw was 11 points. So go ahead and believe that if you want, but Trump’s going to win it by six to 11 points, and that is going to pull Austin Theriault over the line again,” Emmer said, noting that many of these polls oversample Democrats.

“Everywhere else in the country, Donald Trump is over performing everyone else, whether it’s the Senate candidates and incumbents, or is the House candidates and incumbents. Donald Trump is an absolute force, and he is going to pull Austin Theriault over the line,” he said.

Ultimately, Emmer expressed confidence that Trump will win the election and pull the Senate and House with him.

“He’s going to get reelected in a couple of weeks, and we’re going to swear him in January. Do you really believe that when Donald Trump wins the White House, we’re going to lose the House? Do you really believe when we win the Senate, which we’re going to win the Senate, that we lose the House?” he asked.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

via October 22nd 2024