Exclusive: Trump Campaign, RNC Releases Video Series Slamming Kamala Harris’s ‘Freedom’ for Criminals Position

Kamala Harris
Gage Skidmore/Flickr

The Trump Campaign and Republican National Committee (RNC) are releasing a series of videos slamming Vice President Kamala Harris — whom the Democrats have coronated as their nominee without the help of actual voters — after she attempted to falsely frame Republicans as the anti-freedom party, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.

The Trump campaign and RNC are releasing the video series after Harris unveiled her first presidential ad, in which she bizarrely attempts to frame former President Donald Trump and his supporters as the party of “hate” and “fear.”

“But us? We choose something different. We choose freedom,” Harris says in the ad, touting the freedom to abort unborn children while also touting Democrats’ anti-gun and pro-LGBTQ+ agenda.

Republicans corrected the record in the new video series, revealing just who Harris is talking about when she claims to be for more “freedom” for Americans.

“When Kamala Harris says ‘freedom,’ she means for ‘freedom’ for criminal illegal aliens,” the GOP concludes, as it responds to Harris’s remark, “We choose freedom,” with “Freedom for who?” in each video.

One video reviewed by Breitbart News shows Harris discussing her support of “starting from scratch” on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and stating that she is in favor of not labeling illegal border crossers as criminals. The video highlights the horrific murder of Laken Riley and the illegal immigrant accused of murdering her as the chyron asks, “Freedom for who?”


Another video in the series showcases Harris’s support of freedom for criminals, featuring the former senator touting her goals of reimagining public safety.

“It is outdated, it is wrong-headed thinking, to think that the only way you’re going to get communities to be safe, is to put more police officers on the street,” Harris said in the ad, calling to “look at these [police] budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities.”


Another video in the series coincides with that major theme of Harris supporting freedom for criminals, zeroing in on freedom for violent felons. This brief ad showcases the Minnesota bail fund Harris supported — the Minnesota Freedom Fund — which set an accused domestic abuser free.


The final video in the series, with the title, “When Kamala Harris says ‘freedom,’ she means for ‘freedom’ for terrorists,” shows an exchange between Don Lemon and Harris. He asked her, “People who are in — convicted in prison, like the Boston Marathon bomber on death row, people who are convicted of sexual assault, they should be able to vote?”

“I think we should have that conversation,” Harris responded, as the video showed the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing. It also included a quick clip of Larry Nassar, the ex-USA Gymnastics doctor convicted of sexually abusing young female athletes, driving home the point that Harris is interested in having a conversation about allowing those types of individuals to vote.


All of these points coincide with the greater narrative Trump and his allies have continued to drive home: Kamala Harris is “dangerously liberal.”

“In Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s America, illegal immigrants are invading our border and committing heinous crimes, taking away the freedom of women like Rachel Morin and Laken Riley to freely go for a run in their once safe neighborhoods,” Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said in an exclusive statement, laying out the stark reality of the situation.

She continued:

Drug traffickers are pouring illegal fentanyl into our country, killing the freedom and livelihoods of millions of Americans with their deadly poison. And Kamala Harris is threatening to take away the rights and freedoms of millions of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves by promising to confiscate their firearms.

“Kamala Harris is a dangerous liberal who believes in more government, and less freedom,” Leavitt added.

Trump himself is among those who have higlighted the contrast between himself and Harris.

Authored by Hannah Knudsen via Breitbart August 5th 2024