Facebook Files: White House Peddled Obvious Foreign Lies About 'Disinformation Dozen'

A UK-based, government-linked dark money nonprofit operated by a far-left British Labour Party operative fabricated statistics about the so-called 'disinformation dozen' - people with large social media footprints that expressed vaccine or lockdown skepticism, according to the latest Facebook Files released on Tuesday by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

facebook files white house peddled obvious foreign lies about disinformation dozen

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) run by a man named Imran Ahmed claimed that Robert Kennedy Jr. and 11 other people were responsible for 65% of "anti-vaccine content circulating on social media."

That claim itself was disinformation, according to Jordan - who notes that Facebook employees were highly skeptical of the CCDH's claims, which they said were just Americans expressing "vaccine hesitancy," which is often "not misinfo" even under Facebook's policies.

facebook files white house peddled obvious foreign lies about disinformation dozen

facebook files white house peddled obvious foreign lies about disinformation dozen

What's more, the Biden White House repeatedly peddled the 65% lie as Facebook employees were preparing to draft a memo to CEO Mark Zuckerberg to complain about "pressure from ... the White House" to remove the so-called Disinfo Dozen, even though they did "not believe we currently have a clear path for removal."

facebook files white house peddled obvious foreign lies about disinformation dozen

According to the internal emails, Facebook continued to monitor the so-called disinformation dozen to justify censorship, only to find that the "majority" of them weren't spreading misinformation.

The Biden White house kept pushing for censorship despite Facebook's clear policy against cross-platform punishments except in rare cases. The White House also wanted Facebook to remove all URL links to off-platform websites which would "

The White House then pressured Facebook's President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, to censor the 'disinformation dozen' even more - which led to frustration among Facebook staff, who said that Biden himself helped ensure that the CCDH's influence had "unrelenting staying power."

Longtime readers may also recall that the CCDH laundered lies about ZeroHedge through a trust-fund NBC News 'journalist' who immediately came under fire for peddling obvious propaganda against a competing outlet, and subsequently left to work for Al Jazeera (and now she's gone from there too).

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 6th 2023