'Fact Of Life' - Harris Disinfo Campaign Against Vance Peddles Deleted AP Propaganda

The Harris honeymoon must be over...

As even CNN admits that things are not as rosy as the manufactured euphoria around Kamala's 'second coming' would suggest, the Harris campaign has resorted to the old Democratic Party dirty tricks playbook - disinformation.

This mini-campaign began - like always - with mainstream media's assistance. In this case, The Associated Press drops a story that insinuates (callous, evil, gun-toting - our words, not theirs) Trump running-mate JD Vance sees school shootings as a "fact of life".

fact of life harris disinfo campaign against vance peddles deleted ap propaganda

Wow, that sounds callous!! Perfect.

Except... the context is completely (and clearly intentionally) removed. Thankfully, in America (as opposed to Brazil), we still have X and its liberty-loving community-noters who swiftly destroyed AP's narrative...

fact of life harris disinfo campaign against vance peddles deleted ap propaganda

Vance's full comment was as follows:

"I don’t like that this is a fact of life."

Sounds sensible - who would 'like' that? Further, Vance pushed for moire security:

"But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools.

We’ve got to bolster security, so if a psycho wants to walk through the front door and kill a bunch of children, they’re not able."

Rational, common-sense strategy to counter the 'psychos' in society.

After the 'Community Note', AP then deleted the post on X, and added 'context'...

fact of life harris disinfo campaign against vance peddles deleted ap propaganda

But that didn't matter to the Harris campaign who jumped on the fake news bandwagon, issuing a statement decrying the heartless Vance's out-of-context statement, and at the same time somehow claiming that a vote for Harris is a vote to keep your children safe from crime (quick question - why didn't she 'keep children safe from crime' for the last four years?)

fact of life harris disinfo campaign against vance peddles deleted ap propaganda

Watch Vance's full comments here (and decide for yourself)...

Perhaps AP should be rebranded - Always Propaganda?

via September 6th 2024