FBN’s Asman: Biden’s Iran Sanctions Waiver Is the Oil for Food Program for Iran

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” guest host David Asman stated that the $10 billion in sanctions relief announced by the Biden administration this week so they can sell energy to Iraq with the justification that the money can only be spent for humanitarian purposes by Iran is basically the Oil for Food program for the Iranian regime.

While speaking with Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) Asman said, “Speaking of oil, by the way, I want to focus on Iran’s now getting another $10 billion in sanctions waivers. A gentleman of the name of Matt Miller from the State Department, he’s the [Spokesperson] for State, spoke about that earlier.”

After playing video of Miller stating that American sanctions never target food and medicine, Asman remarked, “Senator, I remember a deal called Oil for Food back in the days that we were fighting Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It was a terrible mess. It was founded by the United Nations — or under their auspices. It worked out terribly. This sounds a lot like that.”

Cramer responded, “Well, it’s interesting, because Iraq is a major energy-producing country of its own. It should not be dependent on Iran for electricity. So, let’s start there.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 17th 2023