
Fmr Dem Campaign Fundraiser Barker: ‘I Don’t Recognize This Party Anymore’ — They Are ‘Hypocrites’

Former Democratic campaign fundraiser Evan Barker said Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends” that after attending the Democratic National Convention, she now believes the Democratic Party is “out-of-touch” with voters and being hypocritical.

Barker said, “I’ve worked in Democratic politics a long time. I’ve raised them millions of dollars and I went to the DNC last month hoping to feel re-inspired, and instead, I just felt like I was in a room with the most out-of-touch and elite people in the world. I’m originally from the Midwest. A lot of the people in my family are union workers or have been in unions, and they are people who once voted for Barack Obama, and now they vote for Donald Trump. And for a long time, I did not understand why, and after raising money for Democrats and just being in these circles, I have realized that the donors control the party.”

She continued, “They control everything. They control what the candidates prioritize, and I know that Republicans also have this issue, too, but Democrats are much bigger hypocrites about it. I think what it comes down to is just the hypocrisy and the fact that I don’t recognize this party anymore.”

She added, “They’re just telling us basically that all we need to have is optimism and joy, and that’s going to fix our lives. And I’m just tired of it. I’m completely fed up. My grandmother, she lives in Missouri. She voted for Obama twice. She’s voted for Trump the last couple of times… She’s getting by just on her Social Security check right now. Things have gotten so outrageously expensive, it is so difficult for her. I want to see the Democratic Party talk about what they’re going to do for my grandmother, not just have a bunch of celebrities fly in and tell us all to be joyful and optimistic. It’s cringy. It’s embarrassing.”

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via September 20th 2024