Former presidents Clinton, Obama silent as Israel defends itself from Hamas

No social media account, presidential library or foundation associated with the former presidents has commented on the conflict

Israel must occupy Gaza to eliminate the Hamas threat: Gen. Jack Keane

FOX News senior strategic analyst retired Gen. Jack Keane tells ‘FOX News Live’ that Hamas has not helped their people and that Israel can ‘take advantage’ of gaining their support.

It has now been more than 24 hours since Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists invaded areas of southern Israel, killing hundreds and wounding thousands, and two former presidents have been silent.

As of midday Sunday, no social media account, presidential library or foundation associated with Democratic former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had commented on the conflict taking place in Israel.

The Clinton Foundation has also yet to say anything about the situation. Similarly, the social media accounts belonging to Clinton did not comment on the attacks against Israel.

Despite former President Clinton's silence, former first lady Hillary Clinton released a statement Sunday evening, saying "My prayers are with everyone affected by the horrific attacks by Hamas in Israel. The United States stands in strong support of our ally, today and every day."


former presidents clinton obama silent as israel defends itself from hamas

Former Presidents Bill Clinton, left, and Barack Obama. (Noam Galai/Clinton Global Initiative, Michelle Gustafson/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have also been silent about the attacks. No statement, thus far, has been issued by the Obama Foundation and the social media accounts for both Obamas have not commented on the matter.

"Not one word from Obama, and why is that? Is he too busy? Or simply indifferent? Or could it be that, having given millions to Iran, he is privately celebrating his role in taking Israel down a notch," conservative author Dinesh D'Souza questioned in a post to X.

Despite the silence from the Obamas and former President Clinton, former Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush both issued statements – either through their own means or entities associated with them – condemning the attacks on Saturday.

Trump, who maintained a good relationship with Israel during his tenure in the White House, called the attacks a "disgrace" and insisted that Israel should defend itself with "overwhelming force."

former presidents clinton obama silent as israel defends itself from hamas

Former President Donald Trump called the attacks from Hamas a "disgrace" and insisted that Israel should defend itself with "overwhelming force." (Sean Rayford/Getty Images)


"These Hamas attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force. Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration," Trump wrote in a post to Truth Social.

"We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again," he added.

The George W. Bush Presidential Center also issued a statement on the matter and "strongly" condemned the "heinous terrorist attacks on Israel that claimed scores of innocent civilians.

"We urge the United States and our allies to stand unequivocally with Israel, its government and people, and support Israel’s right to defend itself against these threats," the center added. "Attacks on free and democratic states anywhere are attacks on all of us, whether in Israel, Ukraine, or elsewhere."

former presidents clinton obama silent as israel defends itself from hamas

The George W. Bush Presidential Center "strongly" condemned the "heinous terrorist attacks on Israel that claimed scores of innocent civilians." (Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images)

The Carter Center released a statement on the matter late Sunday evening, saying it "strongly condemns the targeting of Israeli and Palestinian civilians and calls for genuine dialogue as well as international collective action to halt hostilities in the region."

"Our hearts are heavy with sorrow for the tragic loss of innocent lives on all sides of the conflict. We urge all parties to prioritize the protection and well-being of civilians by refraining from actions that target residential areas," the center continued. "The Carter Center acknowledges the profound historical and religious significance this region holds for all parties involved. The fundamental human rights of all residents of the region must be protected, land claims and security concerns addressed, and the sanctity of Muslim and Christian holy sites preserved. In addition, it is crucial to recognize the complex dynamics of this situation, including the ongoing occupation."

The center also called on "the international community to engage actively in building peace in the region."

"The urgency for a robust and renewed peace process has never been greater," the center added. "There is not a military solution to the crisis – only a political one. We implore the international community to fulfill its responsibilities and reinvigorate a credible process that brings peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians while safeguarding the lives of all civilians."

Israel's security cabinet officially declared war Saturday night after Hamas terrorists launched a surprise barrage of thousands of rockets into southern Israel, killing hundreds and wounding thousands, according to Israeli media.

Israeli soldiers battled Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel a day after Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists invaded the area and launched rockets from the Gaza Strip, killing at least 600 Israelis and wounding at least 2,000 others.

Israeli forces launched retaliatory strikes against Hamas terrorists in Gaza on Sunday, while also trading fire with Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group in the north.

Kyle Morris covers politics for Fox News. Story tips can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on Twitter: @RealKyleMorris.

Authored by Kyle Morris via FoxNews October 8th 2023