Gavin Newsom Announces He's NOT Running In 2024, Dubs Kamala 'Natural Successor' To Biden

California Governor Gavin Newsom, long thought to be the Democrats' secret weapon against Donald Trump in 2024, announced on Friday that he's not running for president in 2024, and that Vice President Kamala Harris is the "natural successor" to Biden.

gavin newsom announces hes not running in 2024 dubs kamala natural successor to biden

"We need to move past this notion that he's not going to run," Newsom told NBC News' Chuck Todd, adding "President Biden is going to run, and looking forward to getting him reelected. I think there's been so much wallowing in the last few months, and handwringing in this respect. But we're gearing up for the campaign. We're looking forward to it."

"'I think the vice president is naturally the one lined up' to run after Biden, he said, noting 'maybe I'm a little old-fashioned about, you know, presidents and vice presidents. I was a lieutenant governor, so I'm a little subjective," he continued.

Asked if he could imagine running against her, Newsom responded: "Of course not. By definition. Won't happen. But we've – I've said that 1,000 times. We privately continue to maintain a very good relationship, interpersonal. Just, 'How are you doing? Checking in.' It's been a challenging few years with Covid. And we've had the opportunity to sit down, have lunch together in the White House, spend time talking about important things."



Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge September 8th 2023