German Train Conductors Given Power Not To Check Migrants' Tickets In Order To Avoid Trouble

German train conductors in the state of Thuringia have been given permission not to check the tickets of foreign migrant passengers in an effort to reduce intimidating and violent behavior from asylum seekers.

german train conductors given power not to check migrants tickets in order to avoid trouble

A married couple who had recently traveled on a Süd-Thüringen-Bahn contacted the Thüringer Allgemeine newspaper to report that they had witnessed individuals who didn’t appear to be German not having their tickets checked while German citizens still had theirs scrutinized.

After the newspaper contacted the railway service provider, they initially denied the claim, insisting that all tickets were being checked.

However, after further enquiries, the company admitted that train conductors had been given powers not to check the tickets of passengers who posed a risk of being troublesome in order to de-escalate tensions.

If the conductors feel threatened or intimidated by approaching such individuals, they can bypass the ticket check and the individual effectively gets to travel for free.

The same company recently complained to Thurinigia’s left-wing Minister-President Bodo Ramelow that its staff were increasingly on the receiving end of unprecedented abuse from foreigners on public transport.

“State and federal politics repeatedly talk about “integration” and tolerance of/towards migrants/refugees. We ask you seriously, how can you expect citizens of this country to be open to the refugee policy being practiced when they have to witness – practically every day, and not just on public transport! – such violence, brutality, and absolute contempt and mockery of our laws and society, including its so-called “values”? asked the letter.

As Remix News highlights, mass migration has also heightened violence and disorder on the train network in neighboring France.

“Annual figures provided by the French interior ministry’s statistics bureau, the SSMSI, in September last year revealed that 69 percent of violent robberies and other violent crimes, including sexual assaults, on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were perpetrated by foreign nationals.”

“A closer look at the data showed Africans alone were responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.”

“Across the whole of France, 55 percent of suspects pertaining to offenses on public transport are foreign nationals, the data indicated.”

Earlier this month, the anti-mass migration right-wing AfD party won a significant victory in the state of Thuringia’s regional election.

The German political establishment has been busy trying to outlaw the AfD, laughably, in the name of ‘protecting democracy’, despite it now being the second most popular party in Germany.

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Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via September 19th 2024