Gingrich on House Republicans Voting to Oust McCarthy: ‘They’re Traitors’

During an appearance on Tuesday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Hannity,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich declared those Republicans who voted to remove Kevin McCarthy from the House Speaker’s post earlier in the day to be “traitors.”

“I think it’s a very sad day because I think Kevin McCarthy is one of the most talented leaders I’ve ever worked with,” he said. “I think that he accomplished an amazing amount for having a small majority and being — having to take on both the Senate and the White House. And I think this is really a tragic outcome. This was a leader who both gained seats in 2020, gained seats in 2022, increased the number of women members, increased the number of veterans, increased the number of minority members, and he had a vision for a better future. And let’s be clear here, Sean. You know, if the University of Georgia Bulldogs, who are the number one team in the country right now, if you started a game and four of the members of the offensive squad decided they were actually on the Alabama side and began tackling your own people, you probably get them off the field.”

“Well, think about what we saw today, 4%, 4% decided they were so morally superior, so intellectually pure, so patriotically better that they would side with the Democrats, and that’s what they did in order to defeat the entire Republican House caucus, 96% of the Republicans voted for McCarthy, 4% voted against him. From my position as a longtime Republican activist, they’re traitors. All eight of them should, in fact be primaried. They should all be driven out of public life. What they did was to go to the other team to cause total chaos. We ought to be focusing on Biden. We ought to be focusing on the economy. We ought to be focusing on the border. Instead, you’re going to get a week or 10 days of the media focusing on Republican disarray. It’s an astonishingly destructive behavior by a handful of egocentric people who think they’re superior to 96% of the conference.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart October 3rd 2023