GOP Rep. Cammack: Biden Is Pushing for More Gun Control, IRS Audits After His Son Broke Gun Laws, Cheated Taxes

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said it’s hypocritical for the Biden White House to push for more gun control and more IRS agents that they say are to ensure people pay their taxes while President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was offered a soft deal for a gun crime and failing to pay his taxes.

Cammack stated, [relevant remarks begin around 4:15] “This is just nuts, we are watching a two-tiered justice system play out in real-time, if your last name is Biden,  the law does not apply to you. And thank goodness that judge had enough sense to throw out that sweetheart plea deal that he never should’ve been eligible for in the first place, let us put aside for a second all of the interference and sidestepping that the legal team he had was doing with the DOJ. So, I think it’s a bit hypocritical, actually a lot hypocritical, of the Biden White House to say that they’re tough on crime and tough on guns but it’s okay that Hunter Biden lies on a background check, I think it’s ridiculous that they want everyone to pay their ‘fair share,’ but then Hunter Biden doesn’t pay his million-dollar-plus tax bill six years in a row and that’s okay.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart August 21st 2023