GOP Rep. Mast: Civilians Will Die Until Hamas Is Held Accountable for Hiding Behind Them

During an interview with the Fox News Channel on Monday, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) stated that Palestinian civilians will continue to die as long as Hamas isn’t held accountable for hiding among civilians.

Mast said, “I think you look at two things: One, the fact that there are still rocket attacks threatening Tel Aviv, Israel. It shows you that the job is not done. The mission is not complete yet. They still have a mechanism to receive arms, whether through tunnels going into Egypt or other places. There is still a supply chain that is feeding Hamas. There are still Hamas fighters that are out there engaging in attacking Israel and they still want to see no Israel exist. The other side of this that, unfortunately, we do not see outrage for, is that there will continue to be civilian casualties if the world does not become up in arms about the fact that Hamas purposefully embeds themselves with civilians, purposefully places civilians in front of themselves, aid workers in front of themselves, purposely tries to use UNRWA as a location — their locations to build tunnels for Hamas that go into Egypt and other places. As long as that’s allowed to continue, then we will see what, unfortunately, the world doesn’t want to see, which is a civilian killed here or a civilian killed there because of what Hamas does.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart May 27th 2024