GOP Rep. Perry: ‘The American People Need to Know Whether Their President Is Crooked or Not’

Thursday, during an appearance on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) voiced his support for an impeachment inquiry into the business dealings of President Joe Biden.

Perry said it was important for Americans to know if their president was “crooked.”

“If it’s bribery, then why is Joe Biden still president?” host Maria Bartiromo asked. “Are you in favor of an impeachment inquiry?

“I certainly am,” Perry replied. “I’ve been in favor of an inquiry for some time because what that does is, it opens up a different avenue for us, the House of Representatives to get information, the American people need to know whether their president is crooked or not. That’s the bottom line here. And whether it’s bribery in one case, it was called extortion. We need to know there’s an election coming. He is the sitting president. And certainly he would want his name cleared, if anybody would, I would think, and so the information ought to be forthcoming.”

“One question that hasn’t been answered is, is what is the $17 million to $20 million that we currently know of, coming from foreign countries, oligarchs, questionable individuals?” he continued. “What did that money pay for? What were those people paying for? What did they get in return? And Hunter Biden didn’t really provide any — he didn’t provide anything. So if it was Joe Biden, what did Joe Biden provide? And if it was policy decisions that shouldn’t be made on behalf of America and the American people that instead were made on behalf of the people that were paying this money?”

“Then we’ve got a problem, whether it’s bribery or extortion, or just plainly influence peddling and selling America,” Perry added.

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart August 17th 2023