GOP Rep. Roy: I’m Tired of Republicans Talking About the Border Instead of Forcing Action

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Your World,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) railed against his Republicans, who seem to only pay lip service to fixing the border.

The Texas Republican said while his colleagues were talking about it, there were consequences in his home state that resulted from the porous southern border.

“Look, what I make of it is, they’re a bunch of words,” Roy said. “And going back to my speech this week, the American people are tired of words. So, look, I’m glad they’re talking about the border. Great. But, at this point, the president, our president, is the one who could do something about it right now but refuses to. And it’s the people that I represent in Texas, the people that I know in Texas, that are left carrying the bag. It’s the parents who’ve lost a loved one to fentanyl poisoning. It’s the ranchers who have had their livestock get out and their livelihood get decimated in South Texas.”

“It’s the migrants who die in Texas, the almost 1,000 last year who died along the Rio Grande in South Texas, the little girls getting sold into sex trafficking trade,” he continued. “Neil, it’s unconscionable. And yet this administration is purposefully, purposefully using laws that are meant to be exceptions as a compassionate nation to help people who are being persecuted as a hole to blow a hole into our border security with parole and asylum, rather than doing their job to secure the border. You will remember that Jeh Johnson, under President Obama, said that 1,000 a month was a crisis.”

“Neil, you know and I know, I mean, we’re — we’re up to 160,000, 200,000, 260,000, 300,000 a month now, which is absolutely extraordinary,” Roy added. “And so I don’t — I’m glad Xi and the — and Mexico and the president are talking about these things, but that’s going to yield nothing but words and more money and more programs, rather than the will to do our job to secure the border. And, frankly, I’m tired of Republicans talking about it, instead of forcing action in Washington.”

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart November 17th 2023