During an interview aired on Tuesday’s edition of the “Fox News Rundown” podcast, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) stated that it’s best to try to do border security, tax cuts, and energy legislation in one large reconciliation package to get buy-in from every Republican member and because trying to do two bills on tax cuts and Obamacare didn’t work during the first Trump term.
Tenney stated, [relevant remarks begin around 8:10] “I think what we need to do, and my belief is, I’ve been through this before, in 2017, when we tried to do repeal and replace Obamacare in a separate reconciliation from the tax cuts. Right now, I think it would be very smart if we did one big reconciliation, if we can, if the Senate parliamentarian allows it, to have the border issue, … the tax cuts renewal, and all of this energy unleashing has to be done so that we can get a buy-in from every member. So, again, we can get some trade-offs, and, ultimately, the solution, which is helping the American people, bring down inflation, grow the American economy, and reinstate our dominance on the world stage, economically and in security purposes.”
She also stated that no one is going to get all of what they want.
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