GOP Sen. Sullivan: I Give Biden ‘Credit’ for Expanding, Revitalizing NATO

Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” gave President Joe Biden “credit” for expanding and revitalizing NATO.

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “Do you give President Biden credit? Sweden and Finland, nobody saw that coming four years ago.”

Sullivan said, “Yes, do. Look, I give President Biden credit for keeping the unity of NATO, revitalizing NATO as your opening piece did, as setting out the framework for this war of aggression, which was we’re going to provide significant military assets and intelligence, but we’re not going to commit U.S. troops. So I give them credit for that.”

He continued, “Where I don’t give them credit, and you and I talked about this is in two areas. One the slow rolling and self-deterrence that we’ve had, the administration’s had with giving the Ukrainians the weapons systems that they need. The last time I was on the show with you and Jake Sullivan, we talked about the F-16s. I predicted they would do it, and it’s been too darn long, and that’s exactly what happened and the other issue.”

Sullivan added, “The second is, as I already mentioned, we’re cutting defense spending, and it’s a very dangerous world. Everybody agrees we should not be going below 3% of defense spending. The current budget shrinks the Army, shrinks the Navy, and shrinks the Marine Corps. That is the wrong signal.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart July 16th 2023