Graham: No ‘Smoking Gun’ Behind Biden Impeachment Inquiry — If There Was We’d Be Talking About It

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that right now there was no “smoking gun evidence” in the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

Partial transcript as follows:

KRISTEN WELKER: Okay. Let’s turn to the other big story on Capitol Hill: the impeachment of course – the impeachment inquiry – into President Biden. Your colleague, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, said that he does not see any evidence, quote, “That the president is guilty of anything.” Do you agree with him? Is there any evidence so far?

GRAHAM: You know, I haven’t really been paying that much attention to it. They have to prove that President Biden somehow financially benefited from the business enterprises of Hunter Biden. We’ll see.

WELKER: Have they done it yet, in your mind?

GRAHAM: If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it. But, you know, the narrative that Hunter Biden presented is falling apart. The idea that Joe Biden knew nothing about the business dealings is falling apart. I’m not worried about impeaching the president right now. You know what I’m worried about? Helping the president bring the Mideast to a better spot, trying to convince the Arabs and the Israelis to not let Iran get you off track, give Israel the space to destroy Hamas. I’m trying to find a way forward to secure our broken border before we’re attacked. That’s what I’m more worried about than anything. I’ve never been more worried about an attack on our homeland than I am right now. And there’s an opportunity in the Mideast, in the middle of all this carnage, rape, murder, torture, heartbreaking visuals. There’s a chance to change things. That’s what I’m working on: changing things for the better at home and abroad.

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart December 17th 2023