Haley: Trump’s Presidential Immunity Argument ‘Absolutely Ridiculous’

Republican 2024 presidential hopeful former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) said Wednesday on CNN’s Republican presidential primary debate that former President Donald Trump’s arguments on presidential immunity are “absolutely ridiculous.”

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “The question was, do you agree with the argument Donald Trump’s lawyer made in court that a president should have immunity for any conduct, including and ordering the assassination of a political rival unless that president is impeached and convicted by the Senate for that offense.”

Haley said, “No, that’s ridiculous. That’s absolutely ridiculous. I mean, we need to use some common sense here. You can’t go and kill a political rival and claim, you know, immunity from a president. I think we have to start doing things that are right.”

She added, “You know, Ron said we should have leaders that we can look up to. Well, then stop lying because nobody’s going to want to look up to you if you are lying. We need to look at what is President Trump done? You look at the last few years and our country is completely divided. It’s divided over extremes, divided over hatred, divided to every the fact that people think if someone doesn’t agree with you, they’re bad. Now we have leaders in our country that decide who is good and who is bad, who is right, who is wrong. That’s not what a leader does. A leader brings out the best in people and get them to see the way forward. That’s what we need in our country. We don’t need this chaos anymore. We need someone who is going to be a new generational leader that brings sanity back to America.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart January 10th 2024