Harris Surrogate on Her Dodging on Crime: She’s Clear on Immigration

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harris Campaign Surrogate Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) responded to a question on 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris dodging a question on her position on California’s Proposition 36 on crime by stating that “the two candidates’ positions on immigration are crystal clear.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade asked, “Senator, how do you feel about Axios calling her the ‘no comment candidate‘ when it comes to this issue in particular, on Prop. 36 out in California?”

Murphy responded, “Well, to me, the two candidates’ positions on immigration are crystal clear. Kamala Harris has endorsed a very specific, detailed piece of legislation. That’s the bipartisan border security bill that I negotiated with very conservative Republican Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) that would dramatically increase investment on the border. It allow the president to shut down the border when crossings got too high. It would fix our broken asylum system, so that nobody gets to stay in this country for five or ten years while their asylum claim is being processed. Donald Trump killed that bill.”

Kilmeade then cut in to say that he was asking about Prop. 36.

Murphy responded, “I don’t know about California’s ballot questions. I live in Connecticut. But I’m just saying, this idea that people don’t know what Kamala Harris is for on immigration is just not true.”

After Kilmeade again asked about Prop. 36, Murphy said, “I heard what she said at the outset of the show that she’s not interested in weighing in on a California ballot measure. She’s running for president of the United States. And you can compare the two candidates’ records on immigration. There are [fewer] people crossing at the border today than during Donald Trump’s presidency. But you can also compare their records on crime. Crime shot up when Donald Trump was president. At the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, we were less safe. Crime has come down under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

Kilmeade then cut in to ask Murphy if he thinks the party that the Defund the Police movement originated from has a good argument there and if Trump is tougher on crime than Harris.

Murphy countered. “But look at the data, right? Crime has come down. We have 20% fewer urban homicides.”

Kilmeade cut in to state, “The FBI revamped their crime stats. They revamped their crime stats, and it went up to a 4.2% increase.”

Murphy responded, “That’s not true. Urban gun homicides have come down in this country by 20%. Mass shootings are 20% [lower] this year than last year. It is just absolutely true that there are fewer gun homicides in this country.”

Kilmeade then cut in to say that even if we assume that’s true, Harris can simply say her position on Prop. 36 and then asked about her stances on other issues.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 4th 2024