Heilemann: Trump Saying He Believed 2020 Election Was Stolen Is ‘Insanity Defense’

MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann said on Wednesday’s “Morning Joe” broadcast that former President Donald Trump would be using the “insanity” defense if his legal team claimed he believed the 2020 election was stolen.

Partial transcript as follows:

HEILEMANN: If Joe and Mika are going to the bank and Joe writes something down, or has his lawyer write something down and he says to Mika, “Go to the bank and ask them to give you all the money in the bank, please because I think all that money is mine, I’m entitled to it. There’s no question in my mind that money is mine. Here’s 20 pages of my thoughts on why all the money in the bank is my money.

Which is effectively what Trump’s lawyers are saying. Trump believed the election is stolen. It’s effectively an insanity defense. Everyone is telling him, like everyone is telling Joe, that money is not yours, but because Trump was truly deluded about the outcome of the election, he believed it, therefore none of these things, none of these legal theories hold water. What is the best piece of evidence in the indictment that goes to that question, beating back the notion that Trump’s dilution is a justification for what he did?

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 9th 2023