
Hillary Clinton: ‘Truly So Distressing’ Americans Will Vote for Trump

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday on CNN’s “The Source” that she found it “so distressing” Americans would vote for former President Donald Trump.

Clinton said, “Here we are. It’s 12 days before the election of the President of the United States of America. It’s absolutely bonkers that we are talking about what he might do to violate the law to punish his political opponents. I mean, this is so un-American. I’ve been around longer than you have, and I’ve agreed and disagreed with presidents, Democrats and Republicans over a lot of decades. I was on the impeachment inquiry staff that investigated President Nixon and eventually he was forced to resign after the evidence came out because he was misusing, he was a abusing the office of the presidency. How can we be back here, even entertaining the idea that someone who frankly makes Nixon look like a lesser threat because of the kinds of things that Trump is saying and the kind of coziness he exhibits toward people like Putin? How can we even be at a point where Americans could say, I want more of that? It’s just truly so distressing to me on that front.”

She added, “Let’s take a deep breath here. Let’s elect the person who will be a president that we don’t have to go to bet every night, worried about what we’re going to find in the morning. Let’s go back to arguing about all of the different policies that are the birthright of Americans to argue about whether it’s taxes or how, housing or, gun safety or, reproductive rights, or anything else. Let’s be sure we have another election in four years where we can battle it out.”

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via October 24th 2024