Homan: Illegal Immigrant Parents with Citizen Children Will Be Deported

Incoming Border Czar Tom Homan said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that President-elect Donald Trump’s second administration will deport immigrants who are here illegally whether or not they have children who are U.S. citizens.

Host Kaitlan Collins said, “As you know, there’s a lot of mixed status households in the United States. Do you plan to take both parents into custody if there are minor children in the house if you’re in the country illegally and you got to already be deportation.”

Homan said, “We’re going to arrest you. We’re going to detain you. We’re going to remove you. If you have a U.S. citizen child, if they if they chose after they come to the country illegally and chose after being ordered removed to have your U.S. citizen child and think, OK, the court order doesn’t mean anything anymore, the removal order doesn’t mean anything anymore then what kind of message are we sending to the whole world? Go ahead and cross the border illegally, which is a crime. Ignore a judge’s order of deportation, but have a baby and you’re fine. If we do that, then shut down the immigration court because the orders don’t mean anything anymore and take the border patrol off the border. We can’t send a message to the whole world that you can violate the laws of this country and not leave, as required by a judge, and have a U.S. citizen child you’re OK. That child can stay. They can stay with a relative. They can stay with the other parent, or they can take them with them. We don’t we don’t deport U.S. citizens, but they put themselves in a position we didn’t.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart December 18th 2024