House Homeland Security Report: Over 35K Criminal Illegal Aliens Captured Sneaking into U.S. Under Joe Biden

house homeland security report over 35k criminal illegal aliens captured sneaking into us under joe biden
Alejandro Cegarra/Bloomberg

More than 35,000 illegal aliens with criminal records have been captured attempting to cross the United States-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office, according to a House Homeland Security Committee interim report released this week.

The report, authored by the committee’s Republican members and led by Chairman Mark Green (R-TN), details the extent to which criminals from around the world are arriving at the nation’s southern border in the hopes of getting past federal immigration officials.

From the beginning of Fiscal Year 2021 through September 15, 2023, about 35,450 illegal aliens with criminal records were arrested at the border by Border Patrol agents — a foreign criminal population larger than that of Beverly Hills, California.

According to the report, this is 14,000 more arrests of criminal illegal aliens at the border than the prior four fiscal years combined.

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Texas Department of Public Safety

These arrests represent just a fraction of the criminal illegal aliens arriving at the border, as they do not include those encountered with Border Patrol agents, state figures, or those considered got-aways who successfully crossed the border, undeterred by agents, the report states:

It is important to note that these are just CBP [Customs and Border Protection] statistics. They do not include data from states like Texas, which, through Operation Lone Star, has apprehended hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and recorded more than 27,000 criminal arrests itself between March 2021 to April 2023. [Emphasis added]

Whether it is got-aways or those being apprehended and released, illegal aliens represent a new, serious public safety concern. Some sheriff’s departments have recorded unprecedented levels of crime in their communities attributable to this influx. [Emphasis added]

Since Biden took office and appointed Alejandro Mayorkas to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), more than six million border crossers and illegal aliens have been encountered at the border.

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Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas

Among those apprehended by Border Patrol, there has been a surge in illegal aliens arriving with convictions for the most violent crimes like murder and rape.

For instance, during the four years that former President Donald Trump was in office, homicide and manslaughter convictions among illegal aliens apprehended at the border totaled only 11. Since Biden took office, there have been 146 convictions for homicide and manslaughter among apprehended illegal aliens.

Likewise, in Fiscal Year 2020, illegal aliens apprehended at the border had a total of 156 convictions for sex crimes. That number had jumped to nearly 500 in Fiscal Year 2021, 365 in Fiscal Year 2022, and more than 250 in Fiscal Year 2023 through mid-September.

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Texas Department of Public Safety

While the number of criminal illegal aliens arriving at the border increases, arrests of criminal illegal aliens by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency have plummeted to historic lows under Biden and Mayorkas, according to the report:

In FY19, out of more than 143,000 administrative arrests by [Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO)], 123,128 arrests were of criminal aliens, or 86 percent of all administrative arrests that year. In FY20, even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, ERO conducted 103,603 administrative arrests, 93,061 of which were of criminal aliens, or 90 percent of all ERO arrests. In FY21, these numbers dropped precipitously, as Mayorkas’ restrictions on arrests and removals led to just 74,082 total administrative arrests, of which only 45,432 were criminal aliens (61 percent). It is also worth noting that of those 74,082 arrests, only 45,755 occurred after Feb. 18, 2021. In FY22, the ratio was even more unbalanced, with 142,750 total administrative arrests, but only 46,396 of those having criminal histories (32 percent). [Emphasis added]

The report continues:

Criminals around the world know the border is open, and they are taking advantage, because they know they can either enter the country as got-aways or hide their criminal history from Border Patrol agents in hopes of being released into the interior, and once they are here, ICE under Mayorkas’ leadership will likely not pursue them.

Another report issued by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday revealed that Biden and Mayorkas have welcomed roughly four million border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities in just 26 months. The report also accuses Biden of failing to deport more than 99 percent of illegal aliens arriving in the U.S.

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Randy Clark / Breitbart

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart October 11th 2023