House Republicans Call Out 'Trump Grabbed The Wheel' Witness Cassidy Hutchinson Over Flip-Flop, Demand Records

On Monday, Republicans on the Oversight Subcommittee for House Administration demanded that the anti-Trump Jan. 6 Select Committee's key witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, preserve and produce all records and materials in her possession related to the events of Jan. 6, when she told the infamous story that President Donald Trump 'attempted to grab the steering wheel' of the Presidential limo.

house republicans call out trump grabbed the wheel witness cassidy hutchinson over flip flop demand records
Cassidy Hutchinson testifies before the Jan. 6 select committee on June 28. Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

As Just the News writes,

Hutchinson's testimony played a large role in shaping House Democrats' final report sharply criticizing Donald Trump for the Capitol riot that ensued on Jan. 6, 2021, but Republicans on the House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight led by Chairman Barry Loudermilk recently discovered an errata sheet she submitted to Congress that made substantial changes to her account midway through the Democrat-led inquiry. Errata sheets are routinely provided to deponents and witnesses by stenographers to allow for correction of typographic errors and dropped words.

Before Hutchinson corrected and changed her testimony, she fired her first attorney, Stefan Passantino. Her new attorney, Joseph Hunt, sent a letter to House Democrats' J6 committee on Sept. 12, 2022, waiving her privileges with Passantino, JTN further reports. The revision was a completely different testimony.

"On June 28, 2022, you testified during one of the Select Committee’s primetime hearings. During this hearing you asserted that former President Donald Trump attempted to grab the steering wheel from one United States Secret Service employee driving the vehicle and lunged at another," Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) wrote in a letter to Hutchinson.

"However, in your previous three transcribed interviews on February 23, 2022, March 7, 2022, and May 17, 2022, you did not mention this interaction. You subsequently testified that you spoke with Alyssa Farah Griffin in order to orchestrate the third interview with the Select Committee on May 17th without your attorney’s knowledge. Despite this, you did not recount this attention-grabbing series of events during the May 17th interview," the letter continues.

"This letter serves as formal notice and instruction to preserve and produce all documents, communications, and other information, including electronic information and metadata, that is or may be responsible to this congressional inquiry. This includes all materials you previously turned over to the Select Committee."

Loudermilk told the Daily Caller that Hutchinson's actions are "deeply concerning," and that she'll be slapped with a subpoena if she doesn't provide unredacted documents.

"Cassidy Hutchinson’s sudden and substantive changes to her testimony are inconsistent with previous statements she’s made publicly and to the January 6 Select Committee. Her actions are deeply concerning and raise serious questions about her credibility," he said, adding "“If she refuses to provide us with these documents, I will not hesitate to subpoena her for further questioning."

He also told JTN that he plans to dig deeper.

"Cassidy Hutchinson tried to explain her dramatic changes in testimony by blaming her initial lawyer Stefan Passantino. Our discovery of Cassidy’s errata sheet showing just how substantially her story changed, raises serious concerns about her credibility. Until now, her version of the story was the only one," said Loudermilk. "Now we know Stefan is no longer prohibited from speaking about his interactions with Cassidy by attorney-client privilege. We look forward to hearing the truth from Stefan about his interactions with his then-client Ms. Hutchinson, and the Select Committee."

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 9th 2024