Iowa Poll: Donald Trump Maintains Double-Digit Lead

iowa poll donald trump maintains double digit lead
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump is maintaining a double-digit lead in the Republican primary race in Iowa, the latest American Greatness/National Research Inc. survey, released this week, found.

The latest survey, taken July 23-24, 2023, shows Trump firmly in the lead in the Hawkeye State with 42 percent support. That reflects a two-point dip from the last survey, taken July 5-9, 2023, although it is still more than the 39 percent support the former president saw in June.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, while remaining in second place, continues to slip, descending from 21 percent to 15 percent over the last two weeks. In June, 15 percent separated him from Trump, compared to 27 points between the two presidential hopefuls now.

Nine percent support South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, up two points from the last survey. Anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy comes in fourth place with five percent support, followed by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with four percent support.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum come in with three percent support, followed by former Vice President Mike Pence with two percent.

Thirteen percent remain undecided.

According to the survey, “Iowa voters also see Trump as the best candidate to improve the economy (57 percent to 15 percent) and oppose far-left progressives (43 percent to 26 percent).” It also found that Republicans view Trump as caring about their needs more than DeSantis, 41 percent to 17 percent.

The survey was taken among 500 likely Iowa Republican caucusgoers and has a +/- 4.38 percent margin of error.

The survey follows others released over the weekend, showing Trump dominating in the early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

As Breitbart News detailed:

An Iowa poll from Fox Business, which surveyed 806 likely Iowa caucus-goers from July 15 to July 19 and has a margin of error of 3.5 percent, also found Trump dominant over the field and DeSantis far behind him.

Trump, the Iowa survey found, is at 46 percent in the Hawkeye State—leading DeSantis by 30 percent. DeSantis, the poll found, is stuck down at just 16 percent in Iowa—while Scott is surging behind him up to 11 percent.

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Jack Knudsen / Breitbart News

Authored by Hannah Bleau via Breitbart July 26th 2023