Israeli Medic Attias: ‘Evil Demon’ Hamas Cut Arm off Girl, Shot Families

United Hatzalah deputy director Linor Attias said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that she witnessed atrocities committed by Hamas on children during the October 7 terror attack.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “After more than three weeks of dealing with the trauma of October 7, and alarmed by so many in the international community denying the horrors committed by Hamas, many first responders are starting to talk publicly about their stories, about the atrocities that they witnessed with their own eyes. A warning now that some of the images and descriptions that you’re about to hear and see are quite disturbing.”

Attias said, “I turned my head and I saw the family, they tied up and the parents was tied up in front of their kids and they shot them. So much blood.”

Tapper said, “How many people?”

Attias said, “There were four, two kids, a girl the same as my girl age, around 11 and a boy like 6 years old. Honestly, that moment just blocked my feelings. I understood that now I’m a soldier, a robotic soldier, if I want to survive that and just to help as many people as we can. There was a little girl around 8 or 9 years old and they cut her hand here, over here.”

Tapper said, “They cut it or they cut it off.”

Attias said, “They just cut it off. No hand. She was still breathing. She was just like shaking. I performed a tourniquet but it was her last  breathing. I wasn’t there earlier to save her. She just lost so much blood for hours all, by herself and no one was near her even. She was so afraid. her eyes, all by herself.”

She added, “I don’t know how to explain that. I don’t know what kind of evil demon can create that kind of operation. Because they thought about everything. It was well organized and the world needs to know that right now.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart November 1st 2023