Israeli U.N. Amb.: We Have ‘Fundamental Disagreement’ with Biden on Iran, ‘Not Surprised’ He Didn’t Mention Iran

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan stated that he wasn’t surprised that President Joe Biden didn’t mention Iran during his speech on the Hamas attacks against Israel and that while he’s grateful for the Biden administration, “It doesn’t mean that we don’t have some fundamental disagreements with the administration, like with other countries. I think that we’ve been saying for many years that Iran poses a threat to the entire world.” And the only way to do so is with a “credible military threat that forces them to choose between their own survival” and their insane beliefs.

Host Bret Baier asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:00] “I know you said, you thanked President Biden, the administration for all they’re saying and doing. What he didn’t do, the President, is mention Iran in that speech today. Were you surprised by that?”

Erdan answered, “I’m not surprised. I didn’t write his speech. And as I said, we are grateful for him and his administration. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have some fundamental disagreements with the administration, like with other countries. I think that we’ve been saying for many years that Iran poses a threat to the entire world. It must be stopped. The only way to stop Iran — yeah, we can talk a lot about sanctions. We saw — we’ve seen that sanctions, it can take many years, not only with Iran, with other rogue states as well. Dictators, leaders of rogue states, they understand one language, [a] credible military threat that forces them to choose between their own survival and their crazy ideologies, like imposing Shiite hegemony on the entire world, like…the ideology of Iran.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 10th 2023