
It's Official: Americans Were The Most Miserable They've Ever Been Under The Biden Regime

Americans were the most unhappy they have ever been between the years of 2022-2024, and the country as a whole was ranked a lowly 24th in the world for happiness levels based on quality of life.

its official americans were the most miserable theyve ever been under the biden regime

That’s according to the 2025 “World Happiness Report,” by the University of Oxford in partnership with Gallup and the United Nations.

More than 100,000 people in 140 countries and territories participate in the survey, according to its website.

The finding marks the lowest ever ranking for the US, with issues including rampant illegal immigration, high crime rates, out of control inflation and an expansive cost-of-living crisis defining Biden’s time in office.

The study found that people in Finland are the happiest in the world, with Denmark, Iceland and Sweden behind them.

The unhappiest people on the planet are in Afghanistan, unsurprisingly.

People in the UK were also the most unhappy they’ve ever been, according to the survey, but were still 1 more happy than Americans, ranking in 23rd place.

The report cited an increase in anti-social behaviour, including eating alone, as a cause of unhappiness in the US.

The number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades the survey found.

The survey also found that the US was also among just a handful of rich countries where ‘deaths of despair’, those attributed to suicide, alcohol or drugs, are on the rise.

Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, director of Oxford’s Wellbeing Research Centre, and an editor of the World Happiness Report, said: “This year’s report pushes us to look beyond traditional determinants like health and wealth.

“In this era of social isolation and political polarisation we need to find ways to bring people around the table again — doing so is critical for our individual and collective wellbeing,” De Neve urged.

Meanwhile, on the left:

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via March 24th 2025