Jake Sherman: Dems Don’t Want Fewer People Crossing Border, They Want to Process People Quicker

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Chris Jansing Reports,” Punchbowl News co-founder and MSNBC Political Contributor Jake Sherman said that the impasse between Republicans and Democrats over immigration policy is due to the fact that “Republicans want to clamp down on the people who are crossing the border. They want fewer people to cross the border. Democrats want to process people quicker at the border and don’t necessarily want to bring those numbers down. Those are in direct conflict.”

Sherman stated, “[W]hat Republicans are asking Congress to do is to solve one of the most bedeviling issues that Congress faces perennially — or at least somewhat often, which is the status of the border and migration laws. And there’s an intractable issue here. Republicans want to clamp down on the people who are crossing the border. They want fewer people to cross the border. Democrats want to process people quicker at the border and don’t necessarily want to bring those numbers down. Those are in direct conflict. That’s number one. Number two, there’s a separate issue about why this aid package is more difficult than others, which is House Republicans and many Senate Republicans feel as if the administration has not given them justifications for the continued spending of taxpayer money in Ukraine. They feel that the administration doesn’t have a strategy, the Ukrainians don’t have a strategy, and they’ve not gotten any sufficient, in their view, answers as to how this war will proceed, progress, and wrap up at some point in the future. So, those are very difficult.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 11th 2023