Jerry Brown: We’ve Gone Beyond Sanctuary Law I Signed, Some Cities Went ‘Way, Way Beyond’

During an interview with Sacramento’s ABC10 released on Thursday, former California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) said that the state has gone beyond the original parameters of the sanctuary state law he signed and “some of the cities like San Francisco have gone way, way beyond in their effort to create a wall, almost a separation of state and federal government.”

Brown stated, “[T]he bill that I signed had a number of exceptions. In other words, people who were convicted of violent crimes or…serious crimes, were not getting any benefit of any so-called sanctuary. So, it was a matter of having state officials handle state-level matters and not try to play like they do in Texas [as] if they’re federal officials. Subsequent legislation, I think, has taken it broader, and some of the cities like San Francisco have gone way, way beyond in their effort to create a wall, almost a separation of state and federal government. I think that is going to prove difficult. But, now, Democrats are responding, saying, we need to control the border, we need a more regular process to bring immigrants in.”

Brown further said that he doesn’t think California is defying federal law.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart December 12th 2024