Jill Biden: ‘We Will Lose All of Our Rights’ if Another Republican Gets on Supreme Court

First Lady Jill Biden said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that we will “lose all of our rights” if another Republican is confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Sara Haines said, “Women are likely to play a crucial role in November and we’ve heard bragging about stripping women’s reproductive rights, 14 states have a total ban on abortion, and now IVF is under attack. How dangerous a time is this for women, and how much worse could it get in a second or third as you mentioned Trump presidency?”

Biden said, “It could get a lot worse under a Trump presidency. I mean, you have to believe him when he uses words like dictator, bloodbath, third term, violence. We’ve seen it so when he says these words, believe him. Don’t think this isn’t going to happen.”

She continued, “And women’s rights, absolutely women’s rights and IVF. I mean, we have have to have a choice. Joe wants to codify Roe and we have to. We have to fight hard so we get it back.”

Biden added, “We keep thinking this won’t be taken away, but we cannot take things for granted because they can. And think of the Supreme Court for God’s sake. Talk about things getting worse. Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? No. We will lose all of our rights. We are taking about all our rights, women’s right, gay rights.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart May 29th 2024