Joe Biden: Border Curbs Needed to Save ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Claim

Statue of Liberty and New York City skyline - stock photo (Getty Images/franckreporter)
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President Joe Biden says his claimed border shutdown is needed to address shrinking support for migration and to preserve the 1950s narrative that America is a “Nation of Immigrants.”

Some limits are needed to muffle the rising public opposition to migration that has been captured by President Donald Trump, Biden warned his pro-migration political allies in a statement at the White House:

We must face the simple truth. To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, I must first secure the border and secure it now … if the United States doesn’t secure our border, there’s no limit to the number of people who may try to come here because there’s no better place on the planet than the United States of America.

For those who say the steps I’ve taken are too strict. I say to you: Be patient. The goodwill of the American people is wearing thin right now. Doing nothing is not an option. We have to act. We must act consistent with both our law and our values …

We take the steps today, not to walk away from who we are as Americans [but] to make sure we preserve who we are for future generations to come.

“In the weeks ahead, I’ll speak to how we can make our immigration system more fair and more just,” Biden declared.

In reality, Biden’s claimed border curbs are a media-magnified fraud that disguises his continued force-feeding of the U.S. economy with foreign workers, consumers, and renters. That unpopular economic policy shifts more of the nation’s wealth to coastal cities, CEOs, and investors.

Biden’s claimed curbs hide open-ended exemptions that allow his pro-migration deputies to import roughly 3 million migrants per year, or almost one migrant for every American birth.

Biden defended his mass migration.

WATCH — Migrant Surge in Arizona Crippling Border Patrol Resources:

Randy Clark / Breitbart Texas

Immigration “has always been a lifeblood of America,” Biden insisted. He continued without mentioning Americans and their families:

 We’re constantly renewed by an infusion of people and new talent. The Statue of Liberty is not some relic of American history. It stands for who we are as United States.

The Statue of Liberty was built to celebrate the Declaration of Independence. However, it was repurposed by migration advocates in the early 1900s to symbolize their claim that Americans’ homeland is a “Nation of Immigrants.”

Since 2021, Biden’s deputies have imported roughly 10 million legal, illegal, quasi-legal, or temporary migrants. But the flood has damaged public support for the Nation of Immigrants term, which Biden’s advisers did not put in his statement.

Biden’s pro-migration policies mirror the Democratic Party’s fervent support for massive, nation-changing, wealth-shifting migration, despite rising public opposition.

“Now, more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in a November 2022 press conference, which was intended to tout several draft amnesties for illegal migrants. He continued:

We have a [U.S.] population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the “Dreamers” and all of them — because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million — or however many undocumented there are here. [Emphasis added]

“The people we care about most [are] the undocumented Americans that are in this country,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), told Fox News in February 2024.

WATCH — Mayor Eric Adams Floats Giving NYC Lifeguard Jobs to Migrants Because They’re “Excellent Swimmers”:

NYC Mayor's Office

Biden’s border chief Alejandro Mayorkas has repeatedly said he is building a mass migration system to deliver “equity” to poor foreigners. The nation’s border laws are subordinate to an elite opinion about “the values of our country” Mayorkas claims.

“Sometimes we get attached to our particular tribe, our particular race, our particular religion, and then we start treating other [foreign] folks differently,” then-President Barack Obama declared in 2014:

That, sometimes, has been a bottleneck to how we think about immigration … There have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, “Well, I don’t want those folks” — even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans.

“For 17 years, I navigated a complex immigration system, and an alphabet soup of visas, before I finally was able to become a U.S. citizen,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), told a pressure group for Asian migrants in late May. She continued:

Today, that [migration] process is even more difficult, sometimes impossible, for too many people. And I knew that I wanted to work to fight alongside other immigrants and to deliver the American Dream for other [foreigners] …  I am always going to work to help all those who want to achieve the American dream.

“America was built by immigrants and without us, this country would come to a standstill,” she told her foreign audience.

Those more-migration views are widely shared in academia and the media.


Authored by Neil Munro via Breitbart June 4th 2024