Joe Biden Supporters Launch New Hampshire Write-In Campaign After Ballot Disagreement with State Party About Primary Schedule

joe biden supporters launch new hampshire write in campaign after ballot disagreement with state party about primary schedule
Shawn Thew/EPA/Bloomberg

President Joe Biden’s supporters initiated a New Hampshire write-in campaign to save the embattled president from losing the nation’s first Democrat primary.

Biden skipped registering for the state’s balloting deadline on Friday in an effort to support the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) new primary state nominating calendar. Joe Biden and the DNC opted to displace New Hampshire as the first state and replace it with South Carolina, a state that greatly aided Joe Biden in securing the 2020 Democrat nomination over socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

New Hampshire will tentatively conduct its Democrat primary on January 23, 2024, the month before the DNC’s new calendar has the South Carolina presidential primary scheduled for February 3. “That will make it non-compliant with the new DNC calendar, which could cost New Hampshire Democrats party delegates to the national convention next summer,” CNN reported. “It would be a violation for Biden to campaign in such an early contest in New Hampshire or to even have his name on the ballot, although voters could write him in.”

Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, pleaded with New Hampshire Democrat Chair Ray Buckley to break the state’s rules and allow Joe Biden on the ballot. “The president is incredibly grateful for the support that Granite Staters have shown him both as a candidate for office and as president of the United States,” she wrote.

Buckley replied Tuesday that Joe Biden must comply with the state party’s rules. As a result, there will be 21 names on the Democrat ballot in the Granite State, but Joe Biden will not be among them. That is why supporters of Joe Biden launched an effort to have voters write in his name.

“On the night of the New Hampshire primary, the eyes of the world will turn to the very first votes cast of the 2024 election – and it’s important to show the world that thousands of New Hampshire voters are supporting President Joe Biden,” a “Write-In Joe Biden”  campaign website reads.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart October 30th 2023