Karl Rove: Biden’s Numbers Are So ‘Bad,’ He Had to Debate

Former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove said Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports” that President Joe Biden had to agree to debate former President Donald Trump because his numbers were “bad.”

Rove said, “Not surprised there will be debates but I am surprised that Vice President Biden woke up to the fact that he was looking like he was trying to avoid debates. If there had not been debates whoever the American public held responsible for the absence of debates would suffer in the polls. He is finding his numbers bad enough already and probably decided I better stop up and look like I am eager to debate. And it will be wild. I think it will be one part of this will be very useful for the American people.”

He added, “The American people want to see these two men debate. And it will be a debate that is sort of retro. It’s back to 1960s. We will have a studio with a moderator, may be a couple of pressed people, a couple executives and the crew running the show and no audience.”

Rove concluded, “I wrote a couple of weeks ago in my Wall Street Journal column I thought that would be a distinct improvement. The audience has turned these into performance and the American people lose the serious conversation they can have between a moderator and/or moderators and the two candidates when we have all of the shenanigans going on that happen when you have a gigantic audience.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart May 15th 2024