Kasich on Trump Indictments: America Is So Divided, It Could End Up in Civil War

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports” that he was deeply concerned that America is so divided that it could end up in a civil war.

Kasich said, “Let me just make an observation. There are many Americans who just can’t wait for Donald Trump to go to jail, and there are Trump people who just are so angry at the system that they think the system of justice doesn’t work in America, and nobody’s listening to anybody else, and it’s all dominated by anger.”

He continued, “I’ve become convinced, and it’s going to get people stirred up, I think we need some sort of a spiritual revival in this country. I don’t know what’s going to get people out of their silos. I don’t know what’s going to quell the anger, which is now turning into hatred, one side against the other. We’ve seen spiritual movements before work in the Gilded Age at the turn of the 20th Century, there was a time when the robber barons ran everything and the Social Gospel Movement was born. It changed America from an I country into a we country for about 60 or 70 years.”

Kasich added, “I don’t know how we’re going to stop this hatred. And let me just say this to you, I have been against Donald Trump for seven years, not seven months or not one year or whatever. I’ve been against him from the beginning. I look at him as someone who’s been made in the image of God. I don’t hate Donald Trump. I want justice to come to Donald Trump and accountability, but we live in a world today where it’s a world that anger and hatred and glee at somebody else’s misfortune or bitterness to what the other side thinks, where has this taken our country?”

He concluded, “Seriously, we love America. My kids are going to have to inherit America, and what is it going to be like for them? Are we going to be divided like we ended up when we went actually into a civil war back? I mean, this is deeply concerning to me.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 25th 2023