‘Keep Biden in the Basement and Trump on Trial’: Jim Jordan Says Trump Trial ‘Driven by Politics’

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, criticized the political motivations behind the Trump trials underway in New York State.

The Ohio Republican said the aim was to keep former President Donald Trump on trial and President Joe Biden “in the basement” as the 2024 presidential campaign proceeds.

Partial transcript as follows:

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Today marked the eighth day of Trump’s, quote, oh my gosh he made a bookkeeping error documents trial in New York and a new House Judiciary Committee report is saying well we’ve been telling you all along, radical Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg has allowed his political motivations and his promises as a candidate to drive the prosecution of Donald Trump. In this report, over 300 pages, the committee highlights the fact that Bragg used a novel legal theory, we’ve been telling you, to bootstrap these allegations as a felony. In New York, they’d be a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations had already passed.

Here with more, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan.

Mr. Chairman and Congressman, welcome back.

An anatomy of a political prosecution, the Manhattan D.A.’s office vendetta against president Donald J. Trump.


HANNITY: Well, usually in a report when you get to 300-plus pages, you got a lot of information. Let’s go through some of the fundamentals.

JORDAN: Yeah, sure. Well, first of all, Alvin Bragg bragged about it — I mean, bragged about the idea that he had sued President Trump or went after President Trump hundreds of times when he’s campaigning.

But once he gets in office, he realizes there’s no real case here. He realizes what the Department of Justice realized when they didn’t bring the case. What the Federal Elections Commission realized when they didn’t bring the case, and even what his predecessor realized, Cy Vance at the Manhattan D.A., when he didn’t bring the case.

But he has a guy working for him who volunteered, assistant D.A. Mark Pomeranz, who was pushing this case, saying we got to go after Trump. He came to work for Alvin Bragg simply to go after Trump, and he’s the one who persuades Alvin Bragg to do it, not while his assistant D.A., but only after he resigns, throws a temper tantrum, does a media blitz and most importantly writes a book where he lays it all out, how he was out to get the president from the get-go. That’s what prompted Alvin Bragg that frankly and Donald Trump announcing that he was going to run for president, that’s what prompted Alvin Bragg to bring this ridiculous case.

HANNITY: And Pomeranz called it the zombie case because it was dead, gone and buried, and then the statute of limitations passed anyway.

You talk about this as well. How is it — wouldn’t you consider the third highest ranking official if by Biden’s DOJ to be a pretty prestigious job? You — would you consider it that that to be? Okay —

JORDAN: Sure is, sure is.

HANNITY: Why did this guy move from that job to give opening arguments and work on this case in a D.A.’s office in the state of New York, why would you give up that big job?

JORDAN: Same reason Pomeranz was willing to work for free. They had a vendetta. They had an agenda that go after President Trump. Colangelo from the Department of Justice goes to the D.A.’s office to go after President Trump, and — excuse me, Mark Pomeranz does the same thing. It was all about getting Trump.

In fact, these are the guys who said we can put Michael Cohen as our star witness. I mean, the one thing that probably bothers me most about this case right now is the fact that they put a gag order on President Trump, former president, current Republican nominee for president of the United States, likely going to be our next president, I certainly hope he is, he’s not allowed to talk.

But Michael Cohen is? You know, a convicted perjurer, a guy who came in front of Congress and lied six times in one congressional hearing, he’s allowed to say whatever he wants, but President Trump’s got a gag order by this judge, this obviously partisan judge whose daughter worked for every Democrat you can think of?

This is — this is what is so unfair. It’s all driven by politics, the whole plan here is to keep Biden in the basement because he can’t talk about anything, keep Biden in the basement and Trump on trial. That’s what the Democrats are trying to do, that is their whole plan because they know that President Trump’s going to win if they if he’s out there unable to campaign, and that’s why they’re trying to keep him tied up.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart April 27th 2024