Kevin McCarthy Questions AP Reporter Until She Admits Evidence Exists Against Joe Biden

kevin mccarthy questions ap reporter until she admits evidence exists against joe biden
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) questioned a reporter on Thursday until she admitted evidence exists against President Joe Biden for Republicans to launch an impeachment inquiry into him.

While answering questions in the Capitol Building, Associated Press (AP) reporter Farnoush Amiri asked McCarthy about the argument that no evidence exists to show Joe Biden committed an impeachable offense.

Media outlets have pushed outright disinformation by claiming there is no “direct” evidence to support an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, contradicting immense evidence uncovered by House Republicans.

“Is that an assessment you share?” Amiri asked.

“You know, an impeachment inquiry is not an impeachment,” McCarthy replied. “What an impeachment inquiry is to do is to get answers to questions.”

“Are you concerned about all the stuff that was just recently learned?” he asked the reporter.

McCarthy then listed several allegations that caused him to launch an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

“Do you believe the president lied to the American public when he said he’d never talked to his son about his business dealings?” he asked. “Yes or no?”

“I can’t answer that,” the reporter replied.

“Do you believe when they said the president went on conference calls? Do you believe that happened?” McCarthy questioned again.

“That’s what the testimony says,” Amiri replied.

“Do you believe the president went to Cafe Milano and had dinner with the clients of Hunter Biden, who believes he got those clients because he was selling the brand?” McCarthy asked.

“That’s what the testimony said,” Amiri answered.

“Do you believe Hunter Biden, when you saw the video of him driving a Porsche, that he got $143,000 to buy that Porsche the next day?” McCarthy questioned further. “Do you believe that $3 million from the Russian oligarch that was transferred to the shell companies that the Bidens controlled after the dinner from Cafe Milano took place?”

McCarthy then asked the AP reporter if she thought Joe Biden lied about his knowledge of the family’s business.

“But is lying an impeachable offense?” she responded.

“All I’m saying is I would like to know the answer to these questions,” McCarthy argued. “The American public would like to know.”

RELATED — “President Biden Did Lie”: McCarthy Announces Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden

Speaker Kevin McCarthy / Facebook

An impeachment inquiry is intended to uncover additional information about Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden family business. The inquiry could lead to a full House vote on articles of impeachment. If approved by 218 votes in the House, the articles would be conveyed to the Senate, where the higher chamber would be forced to hear the evidence during a Senate trial.

As Breitbart News reported, the White House, Democrats, and their allied media outlets have repeatedly pushed outright disinformation by claiming there is “no evidence” and “no direct evidence” to support an inquiry into Joe Biden. They have also used the phrase “without evidence” to describe the Republicans’ allegations that caused the launch of the inquiry.

“So, the modifier ‘direct’ is how they’re getting around the mountain of evidence we’ve got, but I want to tell you how the statement ‘there is no direct evidence’ is a lie,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) explained on his podcast. “And any time a Democrat says and any time the media says that you know they’re lying.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Authored by Wendell Husebø via Breitbart September 15th 2023